Friday, September 20, 2019

Self Appraisal Is Useful To Start Future Planning Education Essay

Self Appraisal Is Useful To Start Future Planning Education Essay Self appraisal is useful in to start our future planning and draw a map for our future goals and aims. And assessment of our career growth will enable us to know where we are and gives us the directions to where we want to reach. A strong view about your self is very important in our lives because its play a very important role to know what is better for myself and what I have been done in my life and which big management position is suitable for me it will help to understand the followings, our life and career How work fits in other aspects of our lives Work experience A record of what we have done so far Work satisfaction Things about your work we like and enjoy Recycling you achievements The things we have done that we are proud of it Task 1 level 2 1.2: Conduct a self assessment: Skills audit The skills audit in an organisation is the process in which an organisation can identify and measure the functional skills what they have required in the organizations functions and match those requirement through design, recruitment, training and outsourcing. This process is very useful to plan the career of the company and chose the right candidate for right position for the success of the business. Self assessment: Self assessment allows you to know what you are and what you want to be and in which specific areas you need improvement to take the further responsibilities and remains competitive in the life. For this purpose you need to take the responsibilities for your career and continuing professional development. When we talk about career and want to be successful in our life than these questions we should be answered first Where are you now? Where do you want to be? How will you get there? If we want to know where we are now and where we want to be and how will we get it the question arises how we can know about this. Many philosophers and business mans and economists suggest different ways to know the answers of these questions. Where are you now? To know what your current status is, you could carry out the SWOT analysis to identify our Personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This audit will help us to identify our development needs and what information we have needed to plan our future. A swot analysis can be carried out as a part of our appraisal preparation. Where do you want to be? To begin the process, first review the type of role and the level you wish to be working towards. Once you have objectively assessed your skill level and identified the directions you would like your development to take. May be you need to discussed it with your line manager because he is the person who knows the organization very well and suggest you the better way to achieve your ambitions and goals. How will you get there? You will need to carry out a self-assessment and identified your potential for skills development and then find appropriate ways to improve your skills. It will take usually weeks, months, years or sometimes longer to get sufficient skills to get a higher position. Task 1 level 3 1.3: Professional CV: My CV is attach with appendix 1.1 Task1 level 4 1.4: Personal Development Plan The PDP should incorporate your reflection on some significant training or development activities you have undertaken in your personal or professional life which assists you to plan for your professional development in the future PDP is the name of plan of action. In our daily life we can make plan but never write it down, PDP is the way by which we can achieve our targets by planning. But first of all we have to understand what PDP is? And How to create a PDP There is no right or wrong way to present your Personal Development Plan. A PDP is effectively a schedule of actions, referring directly to your aspirations for your personal development. As learners we are continually planning, but by putting our plans in writing and structuring them to enable us to best meet our aims and objectives, we increase our chances of success. A PDP allows you to set targets for yourself and to devise a clear route to achieving them. PDP is the name of followings: Assessment of current skills and knowledge to establish professional needs Planning the development Evaluate the performance Resetting aims and objectives to re plan in light of the feedbacks In PDP personal effectiveness play a very important role by commitment to the profession and flexibility to balance all aspects of life. Look at the example below: PDP cycle: F:Documentsep-pdp.jpg To know what I have and what i have to improve in myself to achieve my ambitions and goals and make some strategy to turn into reality we have to give answers of these questions which play a very important role to be successful. SWOT analysis: SWOT analysis will enable you to identify where you are in your current role. For example, Strengths à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ I have 5 years experience in the marketing sector à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ I am a good communicator à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ I have excellent IT skills. Weaknesses à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ I dont know much about Places of Change or how this affects the services I provide à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ I dont have any management experience. Opportunities à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ My organisation is willing to sponsor me to go on a course or training to develop my skills à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ There may be some new job promotion opportunities in my organisation Threats à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ There may be competition for new job opportunities à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ A promotion would mean moving to a specialist project which I dont have complete understanding. Next you need to turn this into a PDP. What I need to achieve, how am I going to achieve it When am I going to do it? Do I need to develop some supervision skills? I am going to do this for six months from September. 6 Are your development targets SMART When setting targets, you need to make sure that you can actually achieve them. This is called SMART targets. SMART stands for the following: PDP PLAN: untitled 222222.JPG Action plan All of the objectives and goals identified in the PDP need to be SMART to get success and better learning. TASK 2 LEVELS 1 Evaluation of learning development and objectives: 2.1: Evaluating your Success: The learning process is a cyclic process in which you need to identify your development goal that you want to achieve and then periodically you have to evaluate your progress. Taking time to evaluate and reflect your progress is essential to enable you to make necessary changes to your plan. When evaluating your progress you need to ask yourself: What have I learnt? What more do I need to do to achieve my goals? Is my progress too slow or ahead of schedule? Do I need any assistance to achieve my goal? Whats hindering my progress? Do I need to change my plan? What additional benefits am I gaining from this practice? To evaluate our objectives we have to answer these questions. What I am better able to do as a result? Every person has his own calibre of doing things and have their own goals and objectives the targets which I set in my PDP plan yes I can do it to make myself better from my colleagues and to grow my career in the sales and marketing field by learning, knowledge and getting support from my superiors and feedbacks,. Has this experience thrown up future development needs? Human are born for learning. A person can never be prefect in their lifes we always need some assistance and knowledge to improve our selfs. A person is learning in their whole life from birth to death, to achieve my entire objects I will need to get help from my manager because he is the person who know the organization very well and give me better advice in which area I need improvement to achieve my objectives and whether my plan need more to improve myself to get my objective. How well did the development method work? Improvements in myself by developing this plan for success and development it give me better ways and a clear sense of mind to achieve my objectives and by implementing it in my life now I feel a clear difference in myself and other now I can deals with customers with more confidence and energy. And I achieved my sales target which is given by the sales department but still I need a lot of improvement to achieve all my objectives and goals. Could I have gained more from this activity? Yes from these activities now I am more presentable in my work more effective in my job and it give me the right direction to improve my image in the organization and because of my performance now I am the supervisor of my sales department. Would I follow this approach again? All those things which is betterment of the people, all the people go for those ways nobody can denied with it Because everyone want to be successful in their lifes. For my future I definitely go for this approach because it give me great achievement in my profession now it is very easy for me to go and get my future aims and goals. This valuation will also provide a key lead to the next stage of the continuing cycle goals change and tasks vary and new needs will emerge it important to retrieve your own plan accordingly. Task 2 level 2 2.2: Reset planning according with time: To make yourself successful in the life we have to adopt the environmental changes accordingly as the environment around you is changes we have change over self as well, as we achieve our targets we need more objectives to grow in our life and aims to achieve a better position in the organization or achieve better target in business. In my profession if I want to be a manager then I need to increase my knowledge and learn more things and try to be more effective for the organization and achieve our targets timely and more professionally to be a manger of my organization I need to learn more things and change my PDP accordingly to learn those skills I need multi skills to manage everything in the department and also need of basic managements skills. Technical skills: skills needed to perform specialized tasks. Human relation skills: skills in understanding and getting along with people in the organization. Connectional skills: abilities to think in the abstract, diagnose and analyze different situations, and see beyond the present situation. Decision making skills: skills I defining problems and selecting the best course of action. To make this happen I need to make my strategy accordingly and learn more things from my superiors and by increasing my qualification which need to be a manager and talk to the colleagues to get assistance from them. And set the targeted time to achieve all the objectives. Task 3 level 1: 3.1: Problems at work: There are numbers of problems which employs are facing around them at work. there are some many small problems which leads to the biggest turnover in the organization. Some of the most major work problems are as followings: 1: job satisfaction: Its very important for an employ for his interest his job is according to his desires and interest, otherwise job satisfaction is very difficult to obtain, sometimes employers gives some different work to the employs which is not according to the specialization, desires and interest of the employ which leads to the disappointment, frustration from work . If it does not corrected on time it will lead to employs resign from the job. 2: management factors: In the organization management have key role in the success of business. If management did not understanding the problems of the employs and their needs then it is very difficult for the employs to remain in the business it will leads to the larger turnover from the business. 3: Job stress: Lots of employs faces job stress on their work because of the larger work pressure and overload of work which is not according to the willpower of the employs it is also a bigger problem which is faced by the workers at work. 4: Low Resources availability: Less availability of resources at work according to the job requirements some times it make difficult for the employs to work with low resources according to the job which leads to the high turnover from the road. 5: Employer treatment: Sometimes employer behaviour towards the employs is very disappointed. They treat the employs like machines which is the biggest work base problem for the employs. Task 3 level 2 3.2: Communication: No matter how brilliant you are and your idea, it is worthless until unless you can able share it with others in the organisation. For this reason, effective communication is very crucial at every level. The oxford English dictionary defines communication as: The imparting, conveying or exchange of ideas, knowledge etc., (whether by speech writing or signs) interchange of speech. Types of communications: There are two types of communication written and oral communication Oral communication describes any type of inter-action that makes use of spoken words. Written communication involves any type of interaction that makes use of the written word. Both of these communications methods is very important and have a great significance in the life of the peoples. In the organization we adopt different ways to convey our message to others. By Speak effectively Delivering presentation Prepare written communication Display interpersonal understanding Time management: When we think of time management, however, we tend to think of personal time management, managing our time is defined as, less wastage of time in doing things we have extra time to do the things what we want to do Therefore, time management is presented as a set of time management skills; the theory is that once we master the time management skills, well be more organized, efficient, and successful. Personal time management skills include: Goal setting; Planning; Prioritizing; Decision-making; Delegating; Scheduling. Task 4 level 1 4.1 Learning: Learning is very important throughout our lives if we stop learning our growth in our self is also stop and we cannot achieve any further goals. There are two types of learnings primary and secondary source of learning Primary sources of learning: On the job learning: On the job learning is those things which we learn from our surroundings at work place it is the very common and quick way of learning. Personal observation: This type of learning is obtain by observing things around you and adopts the things which are good for the future growth. Readings: Books are the best companion of every person we can learn most of the things from books it is the most effective way of learning. Research: Most of the things which we dont know like customers need and history of the world to know all about things research is the only way to know about them. Secondary source of learnings: Training: Some time most of the skills we know but for improving that skills training is very important to learn those skills which we need to improve our existing skills. Coaching: It is helping another person to improve awareness, to set and achieve goals in order to improve a particular behavioural performance Mentoring: It is helping to shape an individuals beliefs and values in a positive way; often a longer term career relationship from someone who has done it before Internet: Internet is the first quickest source of learning in these days by searching on internet we can get everything every easy which is helpful to learn these things which is useful for the development. Kolbs learning (learning styles) model Kolbs learning theory sets out four distinct learning styles. which are based on a four-stage learning cycle. In this respect Kolbs model is particularly useful because it offers both ways to understand individual peoples different learning styles, and also an explanation of a cycle of experiential learning that applies to us all. Kolb says that ideally this process represents a learning cycle or spiral where the learner touches all the bases, i.e. a cycle of experiencing, reflecting, thinking, and acting. Kolbs model therefore works on two levels a four-stage cycle: Concrete Experience Reflective Observation Abstract Conceptualization Active Experimentation and a four-type definition of learning styles, (each representing the combination of two preferred styles, rather like a two-by-two matrix of the four-stage cycle styles, as illustrated below), for which Kolb used the terms:   Diverging (feeling and watching) Assimilating (watching and thinking) Converging (doing and thinking) Accommodating (doing and feeling) Diagrams of Kolbs learning style Task 4 level 2 4.2: Lifelong learning: All learning activities undertaken throughout life with the aim of improving knowledge skills and competences with in a personal, civil, social or employment related missions. Lifelong learning is obtained by the followings: Variety in roles Job rotation Rewards Job enlargement Cultural changes Job enrichment Task 4 level 3 Research methods: There are two types research method Qualitative methods used in social marketing include observations, in-depth interviews and group discussions. Qualitative research is used to help us understand how people feel and why they feel as they do. Depth interviews or group discussions are two common methods used for collecting qualitative information. Quantitative market research  typically includes customer surveys and questionnaires these can be conducted face-to-face by interview, over the telephone, via post or email, online or via your website. Research resources: Primary research involves getting  original data  directly about the product and market. Primary research data is data that did not exist before. It is getting by field research designed to answer specific questions of interest to the business. Face-to-face interviews Telephone interviews   Online surveys Questionnaires Secondary marketing research, or desk research,  already existed information in the form of reports, internet and magazines and other companies collected information. It is relatively cheap, and can be conducted quite quickly and easily. Task 4 level 4: 4.4: Presentation on PDP and feedbacks What is PDP plan? An introduction: PDP is the name of plan of action all the plans which include in the PDP must be SMART and all the objectives and aims set in the PDP should be aware of SWOT. My PDP plan: My PDP plan shows the long and short term plan to achieve my aims and objectives. It based on my experience and qualification I have and how much experience or qualification I need more to get my ambitions in my life I want to be a manager in my organization I showed all the task and times limit in which I complete all my tasks and in future I get that position where I want to be. Implementation of PDP plan: First of all need some extra qualification thats why I have to join some management course and complete that course in that period of time and also attend some management training sessions to get the necessary management skills. And get help from my supervisor. Results: Results after done all these things it is quiet useful for me to get a management position in my organization. Conclusions: All the points in this assignment is more helpful to understand the nature of the professional development and the needs of employs to succeed in their professional life and who they can achieve this success.

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