Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Occupy Wall Street Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Occupy Wall Street - Essay Example The movement instigated on September 17, 2011, in Zuccotti Park of New York City's Wall Street financial district. The chief architect of the protest was Canadian activist group Adbusters, and has escorted to connect protests and actions across the planet (Intellectual Roots of Wall St. Protest Lie in Academe: Movement's principles arise from scholarship on anarchy). Occupy Wall Street emphasizes direct action and they have their slogan "We are the 99%". Indicating that the authorities are supporting 1% of the population, proportion attributed to the privileged and prosperous population. Highlighting the fact that income is unequally distributed between the affluent class which is 1% and the enduring 99% of the population (Intellectual Roots of Wall St. Protest Lie in Academe: Movement's principles arise from scholarship on anarchy). History Tracing the history of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS), it could be established that the roots lie in the 2010, British student protests together w ith the anti-austerity protest of Greece and Spain as well as Arab Spring protest (Reuters). In June 2011, an electronic conversation took place between Lasen and White. Lasen was the founder of Canadian-based Adbusters Media Foundation while, White was the senior editor of Adbuster (Pre-occupied). Later a website called OccupyWallStreet.org was registered by Lasen in June 2011. The subscribers of Adbusters were sent an electronic message with the note "America needs it own Tahrir". The message busted like a wild fire and people showed spontaneity. Adbusters suggested September, 17 as the date for the initiation of the protest as it corresponds with the America's Constitution Day (Fleming, 2011). The idea spread like a conflagration and social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Blogs played the pivotal role in generating the awareness and inciting individuals to understand their rights as "leaderless resistance movement" (Fleming, 2011). The movement was joined and pulle d by various independent activists who possess their systematized websites, to convey messages for meetings. The protest gathered a huge crowd and therefore was intervened by the police which provided Occupy Wall Street new wings to spread the message. Video clips and footage played a crucial role in generating public awareness. A NYPD officers video highlighting the arrest of protesters spread like a pandemic on Internet especially the one displaying officers shooting pepper spray on the faces of people especially women. The movement emerged as a people's democracy movement. Every effort to clear out the non-violent protest has further popularized the movement and people are participating to a greater extent with more zeal and enthusiasm. With every huge gatherings things tend to change and further strengthen the movement, highlighting the fact that the 99% of the population is really suffering a lot due to the prevailing corruption and greed for money in every sector of human exis tence (Fleming, 2011). People are now aware of the fact that Occupy Wall Street is people's voice and one must promote it, strengthen it and have to contribute for the betterment of the their rights and to eliminate disparity and

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