Thursday, September 12, 2019

Security Incident Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Security Incident Case Study - Essay Example This paper seeks to describe how effectively an emergency incident that occurred in Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), at 2:38pm, Terminal 4, would have be managed and highlight how effective airport operators can be, when during emergencies. In this case, where a man trespasses through a restricted doorway, there is actually no need for the crew to lower security gates and order out everyone off the secured gate including the passengers who are already aboard waiting to depart. Since it’s a breech that is only confined to a limited space, the best thing to do would be; assuming that the cameras in that terminal are working, trail the person in question quietly and swiftly without drawing unnecessary attention from the other parties. The evacuation process is so hectic and time consuming; and one that would literally paralyse operations throughout the entire airport. In addition; and as observed in our case study, it is more likely to cause a lot of panic and confusion, in turn making the whole process of trailing the individual in question futile. Finally, given that people will be aware of an anomaly happening at the airport; it is more likely to trigger unexpected reactions. People may start running and in the process injure each other. In conclusion, as analysed in the paper, as an airport operator, your duty is not to bring about confusion and add complexity to arising problems. With this case, and other emergency issues that arise, it is the airport’s duty to ensure that the safety of everyone is guaranteed and the simplest method is used in combating any possible

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