Monday, September 16, 2019

Just war Essay

Wars are not new to the world, they were with the society and may remain until the end of this world, or even be a reason to this world, if there is no timely decisions among all living in this world. War is one end of any conflict. ?Just war is a specific concept of how warfare might be justified, typically in accordance with a particular situation, or scenario, and expanded or supported by reference to doctrine, tradition, or historical commentary. The war between two states may be result for several reasons. Territories, boundaries are the major reasons for the wars between nations. Seas, rivers, channels etc are also the source of source of wars. With the development of nations and development of intellectual thinking and ‘concept of just war’ slowly the intensity of wars has decreased. Now –a-days all the countries are trying to have ‘Balance of Power’ which can safe guard from other nations. Now the wars are mainly by the bigger countries on the smaller countries and the weaker ones are not in a position to defend themselves. This also brought the question whether the wars are just? To maintain peace in this world two Organizations were established, in that first of that kind was League of Nations. . The First World War occurred during 1914-18 due to greediness of Germany. This created huge loss in persons and economy thought-out the globe. To avoid wars in future, Britain, France, America thought to have a World Organization to check and stop the conflicts and wars. As a result of lengthy discussions, and the Treaty of Versailles 1919, was concluded between the member-states. League of Nations was established in 10-01-1920, as a result of a World War strictly speaking it was an â€Å"a child of war†. The main function of League of Nations was to avoid and maintain peace in the world, and it was require to do all that lay in its power to achieve that ideal. There was a check on the size of armaments. The members of the League were required not to go to war without exhausting all the pacific means for the settlement of disputes.

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