Monday, September 30, 2019

Verizon Stakeholders

Stakeholders Stakeholders are the ones who have a stake in the organization and thus in some way or the other are related to the organization. This broad definition of stakeholders often leads to confusion; hence a more narrow definition was derived that explains â€Å"group who are vital for the organization or groups that help to define the organization, its mission, purpose and goals, and or are most affected by the activities of the organization† (Lebeer, 2002, p. 181). Considering the above given definition, the stakeholders of Verizon can be segregated as internal as well as external stakeholders. Everybody who works for the organization can be considered as the internal stakeholder (Banhegyi, 2009, p. 395). The employees of Verizon are the internal stakeholders of the company; however the families of these employees are also considered to be a part of internal shareholders. The external stakeholders are the ones who are not a part of the organization, but have interest in the company (McManus, 2005, p. 147). In Verizon, the customers are considered as one of the most important external stakeholders. Apart from customers, the shareholders and the investors are also of great importance. Other external stakeholders are the government, the public, and the environment. According to stakeholders’ theory, the stakeholders should be identified and segregated into different groups depending upon the power and interest the exercise on the organization. This segregation is often called power grid. According to it, the stakeholders can be segregated into four different groups, these are: High power-High interest:These stakeholders have active interest in the day to day functioning of the firm, so they should actively participate in managing the organization. Interest coupled with power gives them the authority to take decision and set policies. Example: The management High interest-Low power: These stakeholders are interested in participating in the activities related to the organization but due to lack of power they cannot actively participate in the decision making process. The organization should keep them informed regarding the decision taken. Example: The employees High power-Low interest:The stakeholders who possess the power but are unwilling to participate in different organizational activities belong to this group. The management tries to appease this section of the stakeholders as far as possible. Example: Investors Lower interest-Low power:This set of stakeholder neither have the power to participate in the decision making activities nor do they have the interest to participate in any kind of activity related to the organization. Therefore, the organization should not pay much attention to them but their activities should be monitored on time to time basis. Example: Government, social interest groups, suppliers, etc. Figure 1: Power Grid (Source: Davies, 2007, p. 36)

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Public Displays of Affection Essay

Have you ever walked down the hallways of our school and seen so momentous that all public displays of affection should be banned? As a student I walk through these halls every day and the gravest thing I have seen is a kiss that lasted a bit too long. That doesn’t seem enough to grant banning all forms of public displays of affection (PDA). I believe that it should not be banned. Hugging is not just a way to show affection, high school is supposed to get us ready for our life beyond BHHS, and finally PDA keeps people in line, no fights etc., and banning it would lead to student’s unhappiness and therefore our enthusiasm to work would diminish. First, hugging is not just a way to show affection but also a form of greeting. Hugging is a way of greeting much like how the French kiss your cheek when meeting you. In America we often shake hands to greet someone but in France they kiss you on your cheek. This is not a way of showing how you love that person but more like saying hello. Just the other day a friend and I were at the mall and I happened upon an old friend that I hadn’t seen a long time. When we recognized each other we said hello and also gave each other a hug. It was a short hug and just served the purpose of a greeting between to friends. I have no feeling of love toward her so although it was public it was not an affectionate hug. Not all hugs are used to show affection toward a loved one. Second, high school is supposed to get us ready for our life beyond BHHS; in that life I hope to have a girlfriend but how am I supposed learn to keep that girl if I cannot show affection toward her? For starters I would like to learn how to hold a girls hand. By holding her hand I am telling her that I don’t want to be away from her. Unfortunately holding hands is a form of PDA and so I could not do that. Also it is said that a first kiss is very important. By kissing her it shows that I have feeling for her. I do not want to get out of high school and, because I had never done it before, mess up the first kiss with someone I liked and lose her. Learning these things in high school is central to you living a good and happy life outside of BHHS. PDA keeps people in line, no fights etc., and banning it would lead to student’s unhappiness and therefore our enthusiasm  to work would diminish. If you want to kiss your girlfriend during lunch then you must be at lunch. Getting detention would keep you from being there. If PDA was allowed kids would not do anything that might lead to detention. Furthermore, PDA ties almost directly into having a girlfriend. Everyone wants to have the one they like think that they are worthy to go out with, put simply they want to impress them. Getting good grades is a way to impress and show that you are smart. By banning PDA grades would be expected to drop and such things as fights may occur. In conclusion, Hugging is not just a way to show affection, high school is supposed to get us ready for our life beyond BHHS, and finally PDA keeps people in line, no fights etc., and banning it would lead to student’s unhappiness and therefore our enthusiasm to work would diminish. This is why I say that public displays of affection should not be banned. It would do more harm than good and not all of it is even relevant to showing that you love someone.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Succubus Revealed Chapter 22

Flying from Seattle to San Francisco is easy, easier even than going to Las Vegas. It takes less than two hours, and tons of flights run each day. The whole trip should've been simple. I mean, there were days when I'd spent more time in traffic just trying to get from downtown Seattle to the suburbs. But I'd never flown on an airplane as a mortal. I was still determined to get to Seth, so there was no question that I was going to make this flight – only a lot of fear. I sat on the plane, waiting for takeoff, noticing things I'd never paid much attention to before. Were the engines usually that loud? Was that fuel I smelled? Was that a crack in the window, and if so, would the whole thing hold when we were airborne? I'd never done much more than politely watch the flight attendants' safety demo, but this time, I hung on to every detail. I had a lot on the line now – like, my life. An immortal could survive a plane crash. It wouldn't be pretty, but it was possible. Now? Now I faced all the risks the rest of the human world did. My fears were unfounded, of course. The flight was smooth and easy, just as fast as I'd expected. Flying really was the safest form of travel. That hadn't changed. Only my perceptions of the world had. I made the trip white-knuckled and breathed a deep sigh of relief when the plane landed. By the time I'd rented a car and was settled into my hotel room, I still had a couple hours before Seth's signing. My hotel was only a couple of blocks from his store – I'd planned it that way – and there was little for me to do except wait. Wait and obsess. A lot of that time was spent agonizing over my appearance. Even when I could shape-shift, I'd always prided myself on my ability to do my own styling. Of course, when Jerome had been summoned and I'd lost my succubus powers briefly, I'd discovered that I really wasn't quite as adept as I'd believed. I'd been cheating without realizing it all along, making small corrections with my powers. Stripped of them, I'd found all the little details I'd missed with blending eye shadow, straightening my hair, and myriad other grooming tasks. Now was no different. I would never have that guaranteed perfection again. There would always be flaws in my appearance. I was going to start aging. How long until that set in? Staring at myself in the hotel bathroom's mirror, I searched out all the little things I thought could be improved upon and then tried to fix them. When I was finished, I was so frustrated that I didn't know if I'd come close to my previous perfection or not. The only thing I was fairly certain of was that it probably didn't matter. Seth's decision to forgive me wasn't going to have anything to do with how my bangs fell or if my makeup brought out the gold flecks in my green eyes. I showed up ten minutes before Seth's event started, thought it was obvious people had been arriving for some time. A bit of nostalgia for Emerald City hit me as I gazed around and took in the efficient bookstore staff as they worked to accommodate the crowd. A podium had been set up in front of a large seating area, though no chairs were left empty. Staff shifted what furniture they could to improve the view for those of us who were standing, and I had to stop myself from offering to help. I ended up purposely staying near the back of the standing crowd. I could still see the podium and hoped my spot would keep me semiobscured. All around me, excited readers clutched copies of Seth's books, some even carrying huge stacks. Their excitement was electric, and I found myself getting caught up in it when Seth finally emerged to thunderous applause. My heart leaped. How long had it been since we'd last spoken? A week? It felt like an eternity, maybe because I'd pretty much lived one in the trial. He was wearing a Brady Bunch T-shirt, and though it looked like he'd brushed his hair, I could already see parts of it starting to go unruly in that way it had. He didn't appear to have shaved in a couple days, but the scruff looked adorable and added to his carefree writer appearance. I felt a smile spreading on my face as I watched him and was reminded of the first time we'd met, when he'd come to Emerald City for a signing and I hadn't recognized him. â€Å"Hey, everybody,† he said into the microphone, once the applause had quieted. â€Å"Thanks for coming out tonight.† Thinking about that first meeting with him also made me realize how much he had changed in the last year and a half. He would never be entirely comfortable in front of a crowd like this – especially since they kept getting bigger – but he was certainly more at ease than that first meeting. He grinned at their enthusiasm and made eye contact where he could, something he'd had trouble with in the past. There was confidence even in the way he stood and spoke. It made me love him that much more, something I hadn't believed possible. Sometimes he would open by reading aloud from the new book, but this time, he jumped straight into questions. Hands went up everywhere, and I found myself ducking against a shelf as he scanned the audience and called on people. I wasn't quite ready for discovery yet. I just wanted to watch him and drink him in. I was amused that the very first question he was asked was, â€Å"Where do you get your ideas from?† That had been a joke between us, at that first meeting, because it was one of the most common questions he received. I'd commented, back then, that it must get tedious answering the same things, and Seth had told me no. He'd said that the question was always new for the person asking and that he treated it as such. It didn't matter how many times it came up. He took joy in their excitement for the books. More questions came, both broad and specific, and Seth answered them all with friendliness and good humor that his fans loved. A lot of people especially wanted to know about the next book, the last book in his Cady and O'Neill series. My heart grew and grew the more I watched him, and I felt like I was getting away with something by being able to observe him without his knowledge. Our last few encounters hadn't exactly been friendly, and it was a balm to me to observe all the warmth and kindness that had made me fall in love with him. It went by too quickly. I was so caught up in watching and listening to him that I was barely aware of the time flying by. It wasn't until I picked up on the subtle movements of the staff that it hit me that this portion of the event was about to wrap up. They would go into signing soon, and the crowd around me would become a massive line that would take hours to get through. Then what? I was suddenly at a loss. Why had I come here? To see Seth . . . and then? I wasn't sure what. I hadn't had much of a plan, short of the preparations needed to get here. Somehow, I had been thinking that would be enough, but of course it wouldn't be. If I wanted to do something, I had to do it now, before this turned into the machine of signing. My hand went up, and inexplicably, Seth's eyes went instantly to me. I don't know how it happened. Like me, others had realized their chance to ask questions was running out, and eager hands were up everywhere, some waving eagerly in the hopes that they might draw his attention. How I – standing in the back and shorter than most of those around me – pulled it off was a mystery. Maybe it was like the time Erik had used Seth to rescue me from the Oneroi. Maybe after everything that had happened, we were still bound. Seth's eyes widened when he realized it was me, but his hand was already pointing in my direction, giving me permission to speak. He faltered only a little. â€Å"Y-yes?† I felt like the eyes of the world were on me. The eyes of the universe, even. So much rested on the next words out of my mouth. â€Å"Are Cady and O'Neill ever going to get together?† I don't know where it came from. When Seth and I had first met, this was the other common question he and I had discussed, and I had mocked it as well. Surprisingly, no one had asked it tonight, but judging from the intense way everyone turned to Seth, you could tell it was on a lot of people's minds. Those amber brown eyes weighed me heavily, and then he answered my question with a question. â€Å"Do you think they should?† â€Å"Well,† I said, â€Å"they've been through an awful lot together. And if there's only one book left, it kind of seems like they're running out of time.† The ghost of a smile flickered over his lips. â€Å"I suppose you're right.† He thought about it a heartbeat more. â€Å"I don't know if they will. I guess you'll just have to read the next installment.† That was met with disappointed groans, and the bookstore staff used that as an opening to segue into signing and hurry Seth off to a more comfortable table. He watched me a few moments more before he moved, the faint smile still on his face. He looked thoughtful. Meanwhile, my heart was beating in double time. In a daze, I allowed myself to be herded with the others into line, not caring how far back I was. Some of the aches in my ribs and the rest of my body began to nag me, but I forced myself to stay strong and ignore them. It took an hour and a half for me to reach the front, but much like the questions, I barely noticed the passage of time. Only, now it wasn't because I was so enraptured by what I saw. This time, I was simply terrified. I wanted to see Seth . . . but was afraid to. He finished signing for the person in front of me and gave me the same smile he'd had on for everyone else. I supposed he'd had time to prepare himself for me coming through the line and was able to effectively hide his shock at my presence. â€Å"Hi,† he said. I handed him my book without a word. â€Å"You've come a long ways.† â€Å"I'm a pretty big fan,† I said. He smiled and scrawled one of his stock phrases into the book: Thanks for reading! When he finished signing, he gave the book back to me, and I gave him an envelope in return. â€Å"This is for you,† I said. There was nothing that weird about my action. People often gave him gifts and letters. In fact, I could see a small pile of goods sitting on a chair beside him. He accepted them with good grace all the time, but then, they weren't usually from people who had the kind of history we did. He held the envelope for a moment, and I suddenly worried he wasn't going to take it. Then, he set it down and said, â€Å"Thank you.† It went next to him on the table, not on the chair. Unsure what to do now, I murmured my own thanks and then hurried off to let everyone else have their chance with him. Mine was gone. I'd played my cards and wouldn't know for a while if anything would come of it. The envelope had had a number scrawled on one side, and inside was a key to my hotel room. It was a silly, cliched thing to do, but I knew how these types of events worked. If I'd openly asked Seth to meet me somewhere, I would have likely gotten the unwanted attention of the bookstore staff and their security. I knew because I'd hurried a fair number of zealous fans off after book signings myself. At least back in the hotel room, I was able to sit down. I didn't realize until that moment just how much I'd been asking of my battered body to stand for that long. Hugh had been right about one thing: being mortal changed everything. I couldn't shrug off getting hit by a car now the same way I could have as a succubus. My doctor had given me a prescription for Vicodin, but I was pretty sure I didn't want to be strung out on drugs for my grand reunion with Seth. I settled for ibuprofen and began the agonizing process of waiting. I'd actually dozed off when I heard the room's door click open. I sprang up from the bed, only getting half a glance at myself in the mirror before I moved toward the door. Seth entered, freezing when he saw me. The door swung shut behind him, and I too came screeching to a halt, too stunned to move. Part of it was that same wonder and rapture of seeing him, just as it had been in the bookstore. Only, now he was right here, alone in the same room with me. It was almost too much to handle. The rest of my inability to react came from simply forgetting what I'd wanted to say. I'd rehearsed a hundred speeches and apologies earlier, and all of them abandoned me now. I fumbled for something – anything – to say that would fix all of the hurt between us. â€Å"Seth – â€Å" I never got another word out. In the space of that breath, he crossed the distance between us and wrapped his arms around me, nearly lifting me off the ground in a giant hug. â€Å"Thetis,† he breathed against my neck. â€Å"Ow,† I squeaked. He instantly set me down and opened his arms, staring curiously. â€Å"The car? But it's been . . .† Curiosity changed to wonder. â€Å"It's true, isn't it? You're really . . .† â€Å". . . human,† I supplied, catching hold of his hand. Even if that hug had been quite the test of my ribs, I hated to lose all contact with him. After the chasm that had stretched between us recently, even that small touch of his fingers was like magic to me. Seth nodded wonderingly, drinking me in. â€Å"They told me . . . they tried to explain it. I understood, but somehow I just couldn't . . . I just couldn't wrap my mind around it. I'm still not sure I can. You look the same.† â€Å"I got to keep the same body,† I said. â€Å"Parting gift.† â€Å"Yeah, but it's just as perfect . . . just as beautiful. I don't know. I thought as a human you'd look . . . ordinary.† â€Å"Stop,† I said, feeling flustered. I ran a nervous hand over my hair. This conversation wasn't going how I expected. â€Å"I probably have bedhead.† My makeup had probably smudged while I slept too. He grabbed my other hand and – gently – drew me near. â€Å"You look perfect.† I shook my head, still needing to summon one of my wellprepared speeches. â€Å"Seth, I'm so sorry. Sorry for everything that I – â€Å" â€Å"Shh,† he murmured. â€Å"Thetis. Georgina. Letha. It's all right. You have nothing to apologize for.† Now I stared in wonder. â€Å"I have everything to apologize for. What I did to you – â€Å" † – was a lifetime ago,† he said. â€Å"But it was still me,† I argued. â€Å"Still this life.† â€Å"What, and you can't be forgiven for that? For something you did when you were still in your teens?† I wasn't sure how I'd switched from apologizing to trying to condemn myself, but there I was, doing it anyway. â€Å"We were still married. Or, well, I mean . . . I was to him. I broke my vows. It was wrong.† â€Å"And I was wrong – or he was wrong, whatever – to have been so oblivious to how you were feeling. We were both at fault, Georgina. We both screwed up – many times.† Seth released my hands and gently cupped my face in his. â€Å"And I daresay we've paid for it a hundred times over. How long do we have to be punished? Are we beyond forgiveness?† I had to look away then, for fear of tears forming in my eyes. Last year, not long after I'd met Seth, I'd discussed some of these same things with Carter. He'd told me that no one – not even a succubus – was beyond forgiveness and redemption. â€Å"But what you said . . . I hurt you so much. . . .† Seth sighed. â€Å"I know. And I'm sorry. It was all such a shock, the hypnosis . . . I still remember it all, but it's taken on kind of a dreamlike quality now. Like it's something I saw on TV rather than something I experienced. It was all a long time ago, and we've both changed. I was coming to you that night at the bowling alley to talk about it. I was still confused but knew enough to realize I'd acted rashly. Then, when you were hurt, and they told me you could actually die . . .† He trailed off, and I dared a look upward. â€Å"Oh, no. Please don't tell me that this is one of those situations where it took a near-death experience to realize how you felt about me.† â€Å"No,† he said, with one of those small, amused smiles I loved. â€Å"I knew long before that. The injuries of the past will always be a part of me, but I've grown from them – just like you have. You're the same as you've always been . . . and yet you're not. You faced me, even though you wanted to run away. You kept trying to help my family, even when I was telling you to go away. We've both changed . . . both taken the best we could of the bad. I just didn't see it right away.† He sighed. â€Å"Like I said, it was the reason I came that night. Seeing you hurt only drove home what a fool I was. And then when Carter told me what happened . . .† Those warm brown eyes searched my face. â€Å"Is it true? You had a clean getaway and risked it all for me?† I swallowed. â€Å"It wouldn't have been a clean getaway without you.† Seth tipped my head back and kissed me, his lips warm and soft. The sensation swept my body, love and desire both threatening to overwhelm me. There was no more succubus feeding, no more peering into his soul. I no longer knew his thoughts, and I didn't need to. I knew my own, knew that I loved him. And I also suddenly knew with certainty, in that same way all humans deduce such things without that benefit of succubus powers, that he loved me too. â€Å"Is it that easy?† I whispered, when we finally broke apart. â€Å"Kiss and make up?† â€Å"It's as easy as we choose to make it,† he murmured, pressing his forehead to mine. â€Å"At least, this decision is. Nothing's truly easy, Georgina. Love and life . . . they're wonderful, but they're hard. We may mess up again. We have to be strong and decide if we can still go forward, even when things aren't perfect.† â€Å"How'd someone so young get so wise?† I asked. He brushed a lock of hair from my face. â€Å"I learned from this woman who knows a lot about love.† I scoffed. â€Å"Hardly. I think I'm still learning more about it every day.† Seth's lips found mine again, and I forgot my worries for a moment, simply losing myself in him. With as ardent as he'd been earlier, I was kind of surprised when he was the one who stopped the next kiss. â€Å"Easy there,† he said, with a small laugh. â€Å"You feel too good. We don't want to get too carried away.† â€Å"Don't we?† I asked. â€Å"I mean, I gave you my room key, and you went right for me as soon as you came in.† â€Å"Well, yeah,† he agreed, â€Å"but that was before I remembered you were hit by a car a week ago.† I tightened my arms around him and drew him toward the bed. â€Å"I'm still alive, aren't I?† â€Å"Yes,† he admitted, letting himself be drawn along. â€Å"But are you sure you don't want to just wait?† Hugh had said something after booking my flight. Everything changes when you're mortal. You don't know what tomorrow will bring. â€Å"I've waited long enough,† I told Seth, just before kissing him. And that was the moment I knew what it was like to have my soul back. It sounds kind of sappy, I know. But to be able to kiss someone you love when you're fully and completely in control of yourself and know who you are . . . it's exquisite. How we love others is affected by how we love ourselves, and for the first time in a long time, I was whole. I knew who I was and in turn was able to appreciate just how much I loved him. And of course, the whole experience was affected by the fact that I no longer had succubus powers to contend with. I didn't have to worry about stealing his life energy. I didn't have to wrestle with the guilt. I didn't have to split the desires of my heart with my predatory supernatural nature. All I had to do was touch him and exalt in the experience of being together. We fell onto the bed, having a care for my still-bruised body. Strangely, I'd also been recovering from injuries the first time Seth and I had made love. Then too, we'd had to balance our passion with caution. It hadn't been difficult then, and it wasn't difficult now. We peeled each other's clothes away, tossing them into a careless heap on the floor. When Seth saw the bandages around my torso, he gently kissed all around them, his lips softly grazing my hips and breasts. Through some unspoken understanding, I rolled him onto his back so that I could lower myself onto him. I positioned my hips over his, resting my hands on his chest, and slowly brought him into me. We both cried out, from pleasure and also the sheer rightness of being together. He fit like he'd been made for me, and I suddenly wondered if I should have been so quick to always scoff about divine plans. Because surely, if ever there was something that seemed to have been guided by a higher power, it was the crazy path of our relationship . . . one that always kept bringing us back together. Over and over I rode him, overwhelmed almost as much by the way his gaze held mine as I was by the heat spreading through my body. I wanted to stop, to freeze that moment in time, but my human flesh and its desires eventually won out. I increased my pace, taking him harder and deeper until I crossed the edge and could handle no more. Ecstasy shook my body as I came, and a joy so intense I nearly forgot my surroundings flooded me. There was no succubus satisfaction here, only the simple bliss of taking pleasure in the one I loved. Seth came soon after, the look on his face causing me joy of another sort. There was such an easy, unguarded happiness in it, mingled with all his love for me. He hid nothing. It was all there on display, his affection and his bliss. Afterward, we lay in each other's arms, both of us floating in our own emotions as we basked in the experience we'd just had. I could hear Seth's heart beating as I rested against him and was aware of the pounding of my own heart – my mortal, human heart – as well. This was what it was like to truly be alive. â€Å"I'm almost afraid to move or speak,† he said at last. â€Å"Part of me is certain this must be a dream or a spell. I'm afraid I'll ruin it.† â€Å"It's neither,† I said. Then, I reconsidered. â€Å"Well, it might be a dream.† Nyx had taunted me for a long time with her dream-vision, refusing to tell me who the man in it was. When Seth had finally been revealed, I'd been certain she'd lied to me. I hadn't seen how any of that future could become a reality, and yet . . . here I was. â€Å"A dream, huh?† asked Seth. â€Å"Does that mean I'm going to wake up to cold reality soon?† â€Å"No,† I said, snuggling closer. â€Å"Because our dream's come true. The only thing you're going to wake up to from now on is me. For as long as you want me.† â€Å"I want you forever. Is that too long?† I smiled. â€Å"After what we've seen? I'm not sure it's long enough.†

Friday, September 27, 2019

Project Management Take-Home & Interview Assignment

Project Management Take-Home & Interview - Assignment Example These individuals take part in the decision-making processes that may occur when the project is underway. To ensure a success for the project, the roles of ach of the members of this project organization need to be specified and each individual should stick to his are of jurisdiction. The project manager is the leader of the project organization. The manager has the responsibility of managing the resources that are available for the project. He or she is also responsible for ensuring that the project is executed according to the schedule. Communication is very important in the management of a project. ‘It is important that all members of the project team (including the client) be on the same page at the same time during every phase of the project’ (Goto, 2000, p.5). It should be noted that all the activities in a project are essential for the completion of the project. A close and effective communication mechanism will enable the project manager and the other members of the team to identify the areas that may cause delay in the completion time of the project. This problem can then be fixed in liaison with the client depending on its gravity. There is need for constant communication with the project sponsor/client. This can be achieved by issuing more than one reliable communication means like mobile phones, e-mail addresses. The client organization and the consulting firm both have their permanent contacts that should be exchanged during the execution of the project. Failures in projects can be caused by risks and uncertainties that may not be foretold. However, the risks can be minimized by observing certain criterion. In planning for the project, it is important to ensure that the activities involved in the tasks are identified and time estimates given accordingly. The project manager should ensure that proper

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Cross Cultural Differences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cross Cultural Differences - Essay Example Likewise, the arranging style of the Chinese individuals is exceptionally persuasive and it keeps going longer than that of the U.s. so persistence, for this situation, is an ethical news. Then again, the Chinese executives are likewise all the more ready to bargain so it's paramount to stay firm in the event that you feel determinedly about something in the arranging stage. (Lenard, 2006) In our promoting methodology, we must be ready to have tolerance when in the gatherings, stamina and diligence, and trustworthiness and honesty. A sample of this would be welcoming the Chinese to lunch. This straightforward signal could be creating an impression in regards to the arrangements that are going on. At the point when showcasing in China we will additionally need to take a gander at the promotion area. The notices in China are exceptionally unpredictable and socially mindful. Color inclination likewise exists in the West with red and white being certain and dark negative. (Lenard, 2006) Rendering an items' name in Chinese might be trying also because of the Chinese characters can sound diversely when professed in diverse tongues, and could be hostile if utilized off base. The story of Coca-Cola's endeavors to name its item in Chinese gives an enlightening sample. At the point when the organization initially entered the Chinese showcase in 1928, Coke authorities started hunting down a mixture of Chinese characters which seemed like "Coca-Cola", however, had a positive significance. (Lenard, 2006)

Encountering the Old Testament Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Encountering the Old Testament - Assignment Example Nonetheless, as Cain called on God to provide some protection for him, as he feared being slain in his journeys, God yielded to Cain’s prayers and granted that â€Å"anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over† (Genesis 4:15 The New International Version). The Divine protection of Cain enabled him to reside safely in the eastern land of Nod, and to build the first city on the Earth, named after his first-born son, Enoch. The mercy of God thus proved instrumental in the development of human civilization (Arnold & Beyer, 2008). The case of Cain demonstrated that Lord God is simultaneously wrathful and merciful, ready both to punish and to forgive. The story of the Ark of Noah that may be found in the selfsame Book of Genesis is further testimony to this capacity of God, and, therefore, it is necessary to dwell on it in detail. According to Genesis, the Flood was caused by especial depravity of humans then living on Earth, who went as far as entering into sexual relations with â€Å"sons of the God† (i.e. the fallen angels; Genesis 6:2 The New International Version). ...The Covenant of God with Noah and his successors (Genesis 9:8-10 The New International Version) proved that Divine mercy is always quick to return to those who show their obedience to God’s will. The story of Jonah may likewise be invoked here. When Jonah declined God’s dictum to go to the city of Nineveh and preach against its residents’ wickedness, Lord God sent a great storm against the ship carrying him (Jonah 1:4 The New International Version). Eventually, Jonah was consumed by the belly of the â€Å"huge fish† sent by the Lord, and he was there for three days and three nights (Jonah 1:17 The New International Version). However, God’s mercy wathe s still shown to Jonah, as, when he gave prayer to the Lord in hope of salvation, God commanded the fish to release Jonah, and he was able to continue his way, going to Nineveh t o fulfill God’s will.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Globalization for fashion brand Charlotte Olympia Essay

Globalization for fashion brand Charlotte Olympia - Essay Example Evidently, the growing need for different fashion trend is a pull factor that has instituted internationalisation of the business. As such, inception into the china market is a prudent approach for the firm. For example, Nike is a renowned product in the world due to its awareness campaign, online marketing approaches, global presence and brand strategy. However, the firm has to incept reluctance action since it has to conduct a series of market researches to ascertain the viability of the market. Incidentally, Charlotte Olympia has an established store in the United Kingdom, and it is among the advanced shops in the fashion industry. Thus, this paper will focus on the possible avenues that should be used in introduction of Olympia brand in the global perspective especially in China. For Olympia brand to grow in the china and Europe market, the administration has to involve various perspectives to achieve a substantial share. Notably, many businesses have both short term and long-term priorities to thrive in trade and this are some of the core factors that define success. For example, the firm may consider introducing of new product lines since the customers are aware of their presence. For example, Charlotte Olympia brand primarily focused on women’s footwear and accessories. However, the firm has other labels for young girls and slipper for men, which enhances the identity of the products that use the name. Thus, the first approach is aggregation, where the company uses the distinctive processes used in the original country to attract a larger demand in a new nation (Gregory 2010:8). Incidentally, the consumer behaviours are similar in different states, and this allows different establishments to use the identical methods in different marketplaces. For example, the management of Levi’s creates an emotional connection to enhance the relevance of brand in different markets and guarantee loyalty. Incidentally, Charlotte Olympia in United Kingdom has six

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Occupy Wall Street Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Occupy Wall Street - Essay Example The movement instigated on September 17, 2011, in Zuccotti Park of New York City's Wall Street financial district. The chief architect of the protest was Canadian activist group Adbusters, and has escorted to connect protests and actions across the planet (Intellectual Roots of Wall St. Protest Lie in Academe: Movement's principles arise from scholarship on anarchy). Occupy Wall Street emphasizes direct action and they have their slogan "We are the 99%". Indicating that the authorities are supporting 1% of the population, proportion attributed to the privileged and prosperous population. Highlighting the fact that income is unequally distributed between the affluent class which is 1% and the enduring 99% of the population (Intellectual Roots of Wall St. Protest Lie in Academe: Movement's principles arise from scholarship on anarchy). History Tracing the history of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS), it could be established that the roots lie in the 2010, British student protests together w ith the anti-austerity protest of Greece and Spain as well as Arab Spring protest (Reuters). In June 2011, an electronic conversation took place between Lasen and White. Lasen was the founder of Canadian-based Adbusters Media Foundation while, White was the senior editor of Adbuster (Pre-occupied). Later a website called was registered by Lasen in June 2011. The subscribers of Adbusters were sent an electronic message with the note "America needs it own Tahrir". The message busted like a wild fire and people showed spontaneity. Adbusters suggested September, 17 as the date for the initiation of the protest as it corresponds with the America's Constitution Day (Fleming, 2011). The idea spread like a conflagration and social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Blogs played the pivotal role in generating the awareness and inciting individuals to understand their rights as "leaderless resistance movement" (Fleming, 2011). The movement was joined and pulle d by various independent activists who possess their systematized websites, to convey messages for meetings. The protest gathered a huge crowd and therefore was intervened by the police which provided Occupy Wall Street new wings to spread the message. Video clips and footage played a crucial role in generating public awareness. A NYPD officers video highlighting the arrest of protesters spread like a pandemic on Internet especially the one displaying officers shooting pepper spray on the faces of people especially women. The movement emerged as a people's democracy movement. Every effort to clear out the non-violent protest has further popularized the movement and people are participating to a greater extent with more zeal and enthusiasm. With every huge gatherings things tend to change and further strengthen the movement, highlighting the fact that the 99% of the population is really suffering a lot due to the prevailing corruption and greed for money in every sector of human exis tence (Fleming, 2011). People are now aware of the fact that Occupy Wall Street is people's voice and one must promote it, strengthen it and have to contribute for the betterment of the their rights and to eliminate disparity and

Monday, September 23, 2019

International human resources management 'Hilton Hotel' Essay

International human resources management 'Hilton Hotel' - Essay Example They use a number of mixed models in their management, which include: - 1. Harvard model developed by David Guest (1987,1989,1986b, 1991) this model four policies are defined and are applied in this hotel they include; - a) Strategic integration - Hilton hotel integrates human resource management issues into its various strategic plans that are aimed at more developed and improved services. b) High commitment to pursue agreed goals- the hotel demonstrates very high commitment to its effort of achieving set goals this are shown by both the employees and the management itself. c) High quality of goods and services provided which include management of employees and investment in high quality employees. d) Functional flexibility with capacity to manage various innovations. 2. The matching model of Human Resource Management Fiedler (1964) asserted that the human resource systems and the organization structure should be managed in a way that is congruent with organizational Strategy and that the strategic human resource concepts and tools needed are fundamentally different from the stock in the trade of the traditional personnel administrator. This is exactly what Hilton hotel practice; its managers are committed in weighing human resource issues with the same level of attention as they give to other functions, for example, finance marketing and production. The model is highly achieved in this London branch of the Hilton hotels (Fox, 1973) The hotel integrates business and human resource strategies which yield better results, set business targets are thus achieved and the best human resource strategies applied It has adopted a very coherent approach for provision of mutually supporting and integrated human resource policies and... The employees of Conrad hotel undergo training regularly, their own training manager conducts this in their boardroom and at times they attend various seminars and workshops in the neighboring cities, countriesÐ ± and continents. Besides, they invite expatriates to come and train their employees. To meet the daily recruitment needs at Conrad hotel the personnel and Training manager uses Hcareers a site that offers the excellent tool for attracting the right candidates. The website recruitment ensures speed in recruitment. The manager normally uses the external recruitment sources for supervisory and management positions. The approach in customer skills is applied and candidates from reputable sources are recruited. These give a perfect solution to everyday recruitment needs at the Conrad HotelÃ'Ž The mode of recruiting workers at this hotel is purely through merit where applications are invited from any potential applicant in the nay corner of the globe. A panel of officials goes t hrough the application letters who later shortlist the successful candidates for the interview. Selection is based on the interview results where the best candidate is picked. He goes through massive training until he becomes well equipped in laying out duties. The current staffing trend is not geographically well spread because most of the employees of the senior management level i.e. Accountants, Marketing managers, human resource manager, and personnel manager among others are from a given particular region. (Thomas & Walker, 1993)

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Concussions in football Essay Example for Free

Concussions in football Essay Injuries in sports are bound to happen no matter what sport you are playing and you never know when an injury will occur. They just come with the territory and they can range from a cut to an injury that could end an athlete’s career or even worse lead to a death. A big problem in sports nowadays is that there are too many concussions in pro sports all the way down to young kids who are just starting to play a sport. Football in particular has received a lot of backlash about the safety of the sport because there tends to be more concussions in this sport than in any of the other major sports. With all this talk about concussions in football, it may become very hard to market the sport because of all the safety problems and this could lead to less participation. A concussion is when there is a blow to the head or body that causes a type of traumatic brain injury. It causes stretching, damaging the cells, and chemical changes to the brain. Basically, it is when your brain moves in the skull and hits the side of your skull. There are many different symptoms that the athlete can experience, but there are also symptoms that coaches and other players can observe if they believe someone may have a concussion. Symptoms that players experience include headaches, nausea or vomiting, dizziness or sensitivity to light and noise, and memory problems just to name a few. Symptoms that coaches can observe include glassy eyes, noticing the player is forgetting plays, answers slowly, and can’t recall what happened before or after the play. Dangers of receiving one or more concussions can include brain swelling or permanent brain damage and in some cases they can be fatal. There are also concussion danger signs, which include one pupil larger than the other, a headache that gets worse, convulsions or seizures, loss of consciousness and can’t be woken up, and can’t recognize people or places. There is no way to fully prevent concussions no matter what equipment you are wearing or how good you are. The best way to lower concussions is to teach the younger kids how to properly hit and not to use their head when tackling. Always emphasize that safety comes first. During the 2012-2013 NFL season, there were more than 160 players that had head injuries, but at the same time there were breakthroughs in brain research, a wrongful death lawsuit, and the President of the United States talked about head injuries that come along with playing football. The biggest play that would lead to concussions would be kickoffs, so this year they moved it up five yards for more touchbacks. By doing this, there was a 43 percent drop in head injuries during kickoffs. After doing this, the NFL donated $30 million to the National Institute of Health for research on head injuries. This is when all the head injuries started happening because they season was fully underway now. A Jacksonville Jaguars player suffered his second concussion on 9/30 and his second in as many weeks and his third total of the season. By receiving more and more concussions, this player is putting himself in danger of hurting himself for good. Boston University then did a study on former football players and found that there were 28 cases of CTE in players that have passed away, including 15 who played in the NFL. The most recent being Junior Seau who took many blows to the head over his career and they found that it was present in him when he committed suicide. With all these head injuries happening, it’s hard to hear the 4 in 5 NFL players don’t trust their team’s medical staff. On the upside, for the 2012 season, more concussions were being reported, which the NFL believes means teams are becoming more serious about head injuries. From practices, games, and preseason there were 154 concussions reported through week eight of the season. That was a 21 percent increase from the 127 reported in the same span for the 2009 season and a 34 percent increase from the 2008 season. It seems that every week, key players on teams are missing time on the field because they are having head injuries from their practices and games. The neck and spine committee of the NFL are continuing to meet to improve player safety and to make strides and lowering the number of concussions in the NFL. They are hoping that with the information they gain, players will now think twice about reporting head injuries and also look out for teammates that may have sustained a head injury and report it. They hope that they will stop playing through these injuries and start focusing on their own health. In November 2009, 30 out of 160 players surveyed said that they hid their symptoms or even said they weren’t as bad as they really were. New York Jets player Brodney Pool stated, â€Å"Thats one good thing (Commissioner) Roger Goodell and the NFL have been doing: The message is that if theres something wrong with a guy, especially a head injury, you dont want to rush a guy back or make a little mistake that could mess him up, possibly for life. † While players don’t trust their medical staff, the NFL is taking the right steps to increase player safety after a big hit. Next season every team will now study concussions using iPads during the games. This will help determine if a player suffered a concussion during the game. With this new app, trainers will now be able to do side by side tests of baseline and post injury tests to help determine when a player should be taken out of a game in real time. Along with this, each team will now have an independent neurological consultant on the sideline to help assist the trainers and physicians. These tests are very quick and only take between 6 and 8 minutes and will include the player’s concussion past and a 24-symptom checklist. Players will be given memory tests and will be asked the same question about 5 minutes later to see if they remember. The NFL wants the consultants to have full say in whether a player can re-enter the game because that’s what they are strictly there for, but they believe that this may not be the case. These tests still aren’t perfect, but the NFL is going in the right direction to keep players safe. This past off-season, the NFL has implemented new rules to help keep the players safe and to lower the concussion problem. One new rule is that players are now not allowed to deliver hard hits to opposing players with the crown of their helmet. New York Giants head coach Tom Coughlin said, â€Å"It does reinforce the importance of getting out in front of this before something tragic happens. † Even with the new rule, helmet companies are trying new technology to help stop concussions. They now test helmets by putting them on plastic dummies and hitting them with a machine to test how safe the helmets actually are when there is a blow to it. Three sensors in the helmet test how many G forces the helmet takes when the machinery hits it. The tests cover 12 different helmet locations on 5 different velocities on the impact of the helmet. In the last three years, there have been over 200 concussions in each season and they are trying to greatly reduce this number. The study has already collected over 350,000 impacts on the helmets that contain the sensors. They have discovered that it isn’t always the biggest hit, but where the hit occurs on the body and if there is repetition of the hit. Along with the study, the NFL has teamed up with the military and have taken ideas from them including different pad lining material, stiffness, and thickness to help prevent the brain from rattling in the skull. With the NFL being sued so much now by former players, they are now pushing harder than ever for research on the brain and equipment. This has jump started scientific studies, rule changes, and investments in research including the $100 million grant by the NFL Players Association to Harvard Medical School for a ten year study of players health. Even with all the new equipment and tests and safety precautions, parents are being hesitant to let their children play football because of the risks it comes with. Terry Bradshaw, a former NFL quarterback is the latest player to say he wouldn’t let his son play football if he had one. He stated, â€Å"If I had a son today, and I would say this to all our audience and our viewers out there, I would not let him play football. † He also believes that in the next decade soccer may pass football and that contact sports will slowly decrease. He also spoke about six concussions that completely knocked him out cold and how dangerous that can be. Another former NFL quarterback, Troy Aikman, has also said that he wouldn’t stop his son from playing the sport, but he wouldn’t encourage him to play. There are also NFL players in the league now they have said they wouldn’t want their son to play the sport because of the dangers. This includes Bart Scott, Adrian Peterson, and Ed Reed who are some of the top players in the league. This even caught the attention of the President who said he would not want his son to play football and even Tom Brady’s father has said that he would hesitate to let his son, 3-time Super Bowl Champion Tom Brady, play the sport. As of right now, more than 2,000 former NFL players are suing the NFL claiming that they were never told what the long term affects of concussions were. Concerned parents have even came out and said they wouldn’t let their son play or that they want to take them out of the sport and put them into a less physical sport. In a recent study, it is estimated that there are 2,000 NFL players, 100,000 college players, 1. 3 million high school players and 3. 5 million players in the youth leagues. Over the past few years, the number of players in youth leagues has slowly decrease because parents are scared for their sons safety. The study also found that in youth leagues, most of the head injuries occur in practice and not in the games. Thirty-five states now have different types of laws that make it so players cannot return to the game until they have medical clearance if they are playing on school properties. As of right now, too many high school students are returning to the field too soon after sustaining a concussion, which could increase the potential for the athlete to receive permanent brain damage. A study conducted from 2005-2008 showed that 41% of players are returning to the field too soon. If a player receives a concussion or they believe the player may have a concussion, the rule states that if the player suffers from one or more of the symptoms for more than 15 minutes, they could be sidelined until they are symptom free for a week. The biggest and probably scariest statistic is that 16% of high school players who have lost consciousness after receiving a concussion have returned to the field the same day. This could become very dangerous and lead to fatalities if this continues to happen. Not enough high schools have certified trainers in concussions and only 42% of schools have certified trainers. By not have certified trainers, the schools are putting the athletes in danger because they won’t be told if they have a concussion and one more blow to the head could end their career or life. Concussions can be dangerous because it can slow down blood and oxygen from reaching the brain. This can cause players to become sluggish and not know what is going on in the game and can lead to other injuries or even more concussions. A neurosurgeon and concussion expert believes that someone who has a mild concussion for the first time should even be out of the game until his or her symptoms are gone for a week. The main problem with high school athletes is that they will hide the fact that they have symptoms because they want to keep playing because they love the sport and believe playing through pain makes them better and tougher. In the end, the players should be thinking of their own health and not about going back in the game. With all that said, the NFL and football in general are going to start having a problem marketing the sport. It’s already hard enough to play because equipment and playing fees keeps increasing, but with all these injuries, children are going to stop playing for their own benefit. Parents are beginning to think more and more about letting their kids play certain sports because of all the dangers that come with the territory. They are realizing that it may not be worth having the children potentially get concussions and head injuries along with other injuries that can come from sports. I believe that in the next few years, you will definitely see a drop in participation numbers just for the simple fact that it’s too dangerous a sport. Kids are getting bigger, stronger, and faster with all of today’s technology and supplements, which will lead to harder and bigger hits. They can still market the sport in a positive way by talking about the new technology and equipment, but at the same time people are going to hear about the injuries in the NFL. With the recent suicides of former NFL players, it is clear that something has to be done to help keep players safe and they are going in the right direction, but they still have a lot of research and development to do. It can also become hard to market the sport when you have former superstars and current superstars saying that they wouldn’t let or they wouldn’t want their own children to play because they know first hand how dangerous this contact sport is. There have been fatalities in high school football because athlete’s concussions are going unnoticed and I believe that this is the biggest hurdle the football in general has to overcome. It shows that schools need to get better medical staff and they need to notice when a player has a concussion and keep them out of the game. They also have to teach the athletes to know when something is wrong with them and tell them to not try to play through it because they are just putting themselves in harms way for a serious injury. Football and the NFL definitely have problems, but they are definitely going in the right direction to protect players as much as they can. Whether it is teaching how to hit or new and better equipment or taking kids out of the game after a certain amount of hits, the concussions will eventually start to decrease. I do believe the sport is going to keep losing participation and I also believe that another sport like soccer, basketball, or baseball will pass football as the biggest sport in America. Works Cited Football, USA.Heads Up: Concussion in Football. USA Football. N. p.. Web. 25 Mar 2013. Breslow, Jason. NFL Concussions: The 2012-13 Season In Review. Frontline. N. p. , 1 Feb 2013. Web. 25 Mar 2013. Battista, Judy. N. F. L. Will Expand Concussion Efforts During Games. The New York Times. N. p. , 26 Feb 2013. Web. 25 Mar 2013. McIntyre, Brian. Terry Bradshaw wouldnt let son play football now. NFL. N. p. , 14 Jun 2012. Web. 25 Mar 2013. Mihoces, Gary. Parents weigh risks of youth football amid concussion debate. USA Today. N. p. , 23 May 2012. Web. 25 Mar 2013. Shyr, Luna. NFL Looks to Helmet Technology to Combat Concussions. . N. p. , 1 Feb 2013. Web. 25 Mar 2013. Gregory, Sean. Study: Kids Competing Too Soon After Concussions. Time Magazine. N. p. , 21 Jan 2009. Web. 25 Mar 2013. Press, Associated. Concussions reported in NFL up 21 percent from last season. NFL. N. p. , 13 Dec 2012. Web. 25 Mar 2013. Corbett, Jim. NFL passes new helmet rule, eliminates Tuck Rule. USA Today. N. p. , 21 Mar 2013. Web. 25 Mar 2013.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

MV Sewol Sinking: Media Reaction

MV Sewol Sinking: Media Reaction 2014 is a year with frequent accidents, many of them attracted large attention around the world. Media from different countries follow-up report these events under different views and media policy. The sinking of the MV Sewol is one of the concerned event. It occurred on 16th April 2014, a ferry named â€Å"SEWOL† carrying 470 passengers was sank dramatically in the southwest coast of South Korea. Most of passengers are Danwon High School’s students. Lots of passengers rescued by some fisher and merchant ship, South Korean coast guard and ROK Navy ship arrived minutes later. According to the official announce number, by the end of 15th May 2014, 295 people died in the accident and 172 people were injured, the whereabouts of other 9 people are still unknown. The captain and three other crew have been accused of murder, the other 11 crew members are charged to abandoned passengers which lead to people die. Domestic and foreign media gave increasing coverage to the sinking of the MV Sewol event (Asia Bulletin, 2014). It is not clear wrecks cause of the accident, however officials believe that overloading may be the main reason of vessels sinking. Throughout the media coverage about this event, not all of them are objective and authentic, lots of factors such as media policy, national interest, self-censorship, public opinion etc. can influence the media coverage and the representation of journalists. This essay will focus on the sinking of the MV Sewol event to explore and analysis the U.S. and South Korean’s media context of the media policy. Focusing on this event, not all media are objective, compare with some Korean media, U.S. media are more objective. The obvious reasons are not only media in U.S. have more relative free speech  but also any truth cannot influence U.S.’s public interests, national interests or government image. The United State is a country with democracy and freedom, the news media also has freedom. The first press law is the First Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1971, it stipulates that congress shall not abridging the freedom of speech or of the press (CRS,1971). It strongly protect news media’s freedom. Some major newspaper in South Korea such as The Chosun Ilbo, Munhwa Bangsong Jushikhoesa and JoongAng Ilbo have report lots of inaccuracy information which can mislead readers. For example, at the beginning of the accident MBC report that all students have been rescued (The Chosunilbo, 2014), this parlance sustained nearly half hour. Also, the initial report shows that rescuer rescued 368 people from freezing water and most of are students, but South Korea government clarify that 295 people were missing. In the morning of 17 April, Chosun Ilbo report that 174 people were rescued, 6 people had died and 290 people were missing. Compare with Chosun Ilbo, CNN report tha t 6 people had died (Hancocks, Shoichet and Pearson, 2014). The JoongAng Ilbo also reported similar inaccurate reports, for example at the beginning of the accident, they report the number of passengers and the number of rescued people which government announced and not verified, it is false report. In the coverage of the number of rescue divers who enter the water, JoongAng Ilbo quote the government announcement that â€Å"178 divers participate in the rescue†, it sounds like all 178 divers enter the water to search and rescue the victims at once. However, in fact, the number provide by government mean that 178 divers can participate into the rescue and in general, at the scene of the accident, only around 20 divers go into the water to search and rescue the victim every time(Nam, 2014). It can be seen that some of these South Korea medias are trend to government or controlled by government. In general, the standpoint of Chosum Ilbo is on the conservative side. Bennett deal with press-government relations as â€Å"indexing hypothesis† which considered that â€Å"reporters index the slant of their coverage to reflect the range of opinions that exist within the government† (Bennett, 1990). This view is one of the function of media. It is a common phenomenon that some media controlled by government and what they express is represent government opinion and what government want people to know. In this case, for this tragedy, media try to reduce the effect of the event in the society. Media always use less obvious expression to mislead readers. It can be understand as â€Å"symbolic power†, it is indirect and having the power to induce people and control their minds (Van Dijk, 1995). Through the representations, media can influence large number of people. However, lots of people have the ability to judge right from wrong, there are lots of foreign media and some of the local media to lead the correct, mainstream and objective opinion. Focusing on the Sewol tragedy, the main topics are considered about the mass sorrow, why this accident can happened and what should the government and state do to protect and help their citizens. The information that â€Å"all passengers have been rescued† reported by various media cause disastrous impact to the public (Sridharan, 2014). Hundreds journalists have gone on strike to protest government control media. Under the pressure from public, the president of South Korea public broadcasting KBS had resigned (Jun, 2014). The South Korea government and their media drew strong condemnation, which necessitate them to do apologize to public and victims and their families. On 16th May, JoongAng Ilbo published an article to do apologize for its false news during the period of Sewol tragedy. After that , criticize government and media controlled by government become the core topic.The Korea Herald published an article named â€Å"Sewol disaster reveals failure of mass media as watchdog†, it indicate that media blindly depend on government’s inaccurate announcement (Lee, 2014). The president of the journalists association of South Korea Park Chong Ryul said that reporters should listened to public and report what public want to know instead of government said. He think media should standing on its’ ‘watchdog’ and public role. â€Å"Watchdog† is a defined of media in classical liberalism communication theory, media with fair and objective position is a tool that stand for public and help to supervise government behavior. These media didn’t to self-censor themselves and didn’t rely on political correctness to restrict the expression before report which cause disaster effect. The social force lead to the threat to free speech on t he campuses which is the underlying logic of political correctness (Loury, 1994). People afraid of ostracism to avoid the candid expression of their views and opinion which are compelled with communal wisdom, it can be known as self-censorship, argued by Loury. The phenomenon that most of media stand on one side to criticize government and its’ media is an example for self-censorship. Once a common concern has been established, it will spread quickly, just as the wave to criticize and censure South Korea government and its media. On the other hand, other media follow up the critical comments are doing the self-censorship and political correctness perfectly. Although U.S. Media always boast their objective and nonpartisan principle, in fact, U.S. news media become the instrument of monopoly capital and consortium of political. They always put the so-called national interest, rather than public interests first and build the basic frame of political correctness. The partisanship of America media is obviously. For instant, The New York Times and Washington Post are inclined to the Democratic Party of the United States. To coverage the incident of South Korea, they are relative objective. Most of coverage are about the incident without any censure government speech and expression. U.S. media strictly follow the potential limitation: political correctness. It includes U.S. national interests, as a tool of extending national interest, the core mission of U.S. media is to guide audiences accept the standard of U.S. value and regard the U.S. national interest as public interest. It can understand easily, U.S do not want to destroy the South Korea-U.S. Alliance relations. In this case, U.S. Media can only report the objective fact and avoid to accuse South Korea government directly. This is kind of media self-censorship, the basic reason is U.S. national interest. Nevertheless, on the other aspect, Korean and some local media are focus on criticize the government and its’ media. As an example that the America overseas Korean published an advertisement on New York Times to criticize South Korea government, it states that mainstream media shaping public opinion and report false news deliberately to defense for government. Accuse that Park Geun-hye guide South Korea back to the authoritarian regime. The JoongAng Ilbo coverage this issue not only described the advertisement, but also mentioned that publishing this advertisement cost $160000 U.S. Dollar (Shen and Kim, 2014). This news article also quote the speech of the Saenuri Party who strongly condemn this advertisement. They asserted that these America overseas Korean utilize Sewol tragedy to reach their political purpose, they stressed that mourn over Sewol victims and against the government behavior should be distinguished. The article quote the opinion that such high advertising cost s which is better to donate to bereaved family. To analyze JoongAng Ilbo’s coverage, it can be seen that this media is still slant to government. It seems like they coverage the America overseas Korean’s opinion, but in fact they want to tell government’s opinion which induce people to rethink their speech. This article can influence lots of readers’ opinion. As Loury explained about political communication that the transmission of ideas and information about affair of common concern with the purport to form public opinion or influence policy consequence (Loury, 1994). Due to the large number of coverage about the Sewol tragedy and public opinion tendency, it influence the government policy making. According to the coverage of Yonhap on 7th November, South Korea Congress pass by , in order to find out the truth of the incident, taking back the illegal income from criminals and donate to the bereaved family, determining the basic frame about some stuffs wh ich to protect national security (Yonhap, 2014). Government’s policy making should considered about public interest, according to the Down (1962) explanation about public interest, it can be know as â€Å"the will of the people†, it is the combination of individual interest which establish a common value. McQuail(1992) defined public interest as informational, cultural and social benefits. In short, public interest is public’s interest, is citizens common interest. The basic opinion of public interest is that the law should reflect and protect public and public interest. The Sewol incident and the failure of the rescue in the Sewol tragedy damaged the public interest, large number of people died, young students stop their life, government lose public reliance. Most media in this incident are trying to emphasize describing the tragic victims and their family to give pressure to government and prompt government make some measure to remedy the damage of public inte rest, based on the media policy, media should supervise government to protect the public interest. In this case, South Korea government punished abandon captain and crew, passing by the to support victims and their families. The pressure of government not only come from media but also come from public opinion. Public opinion is an aggregate of individual views, attitude and other beliefs. Public opinion have strong power in many fields. Politician support that public opinion have influence on the development of government policy. In contrast, sociologists state that public opinion is an outcome of social communication. Media and communication is a tool to spread the opinion, when the opinion presented by media, the influence of public opinion has been enlarged (Davison, 2012). In this case, public opinion have more power to influence government policy. On the other hand, media can guide the public opinion, media always provide an opinion to incite mass and guide the public opinion. After the incident, the support rate of Park president declined dramatically, more and more people do not trust their government and suspicious of government’s rescue capabilities. According to the organ of public opini on survey Realmeter, more than 1,000 adults was do the survey, 51.7% interviewees are dissatisfied with Park Geun-hye government, only 41.4% interviewees are satisfied with Park Geun-hye government which is lowest in the history (Chung, 2014). People no long trust their government, they thought that if they were encounter similar incident, their government cannot rescued them. In this case, Park Geun-hye later anthologized publicly for several times, severely punished the abandon captain and crew, government also pass by policies to deal with problems arising from the accident. All of them are certified that public opinion have influence on government policy making. Media as an instrument to convey the public opinion to the government, at the same time, it affects the people’s view about government. It’s hard to explain the relationship between the South Korean media and politics by using authoritarian or liberalism theory. Analyzing the developing trend, the relations of South Korean politics and media is transforming from authoritarianism to liberalism. In South Korean political-media relations structure, political power is in a strong position. However, under the democracy pressure, political power have to comply with public opinion. Political power gradually tamed by democracy. It can be summarized from the Sowel incident. Moreover, in South Korea, political and capital have different effect on different media in different time. Just like newspaper media under the influence of capital will be more obvious and the TV media is affected by the government. The American media also controlled by interest group, guiding the public opinion that lead to the country’s leader stepping down. The â€Å"Watergate scandal† is kind of example. In short, through the anal ysis of South Korean media coverage and American media coverage about the Sewol tragedy, it can be seen that media restrict by self-censorship and political correctness, at the same time, the expression and representation of media can stand for the will of interest group, it can be controlled by government to lead the trend of public opinion. In this case, media is a double-edged sword, it not only can representative public opinion to influence government policy making, but also can help government lead the public opinion. References Asia Bulletin. (2014).Four crew members of sunken South Korea ship charged with murder.Available: Last accessed 13th Nov 2014. CRS. (1971).FIRST AMENDMENT RELIGION AND EXPRESSION.Available: Last accessed 13th Nov 2014. The Chosunilbo. (2014).140 Minutes to campsizing A country that loses children while staring.Available: Last accessed 13th Nov 2014. Hancocks p., Shoichet C.E. and Pearson M., CNN. (2014).South Korean shipwreck survivors: Passengers told dont move as ship sank.Available: Last accessed 13th Nov 2014 NAM, I.S. (2014).Media Outlets Apologize Over Sewol Ferry Disaster Coverage.Available: Last accessed 13th Nov 2014. Bennett, W.L. (1990). Toward a theory of press-state relations in the United States.Journal of Communication. 40 (2), p103-105. Van Dijk, T.A. (1995). Power and the News Media. In: David L PeletzPolitical Communication in action: states, institutions, movements, audiences, Cresskill. NJ: Hampton Press. p9-36. Sridharan, V. (2014).South Korea Ferry Tragedy: US Amphibious Assault Vessel to Join Rescue Operation as 295 Remain Missing.Available: Last accessed 15th Nov 2014. Jun, J. H. (2014).KBS President under pressure to quit.Available: accessed 15th Nov 2014. Lee, S. S. (2014).Sewol disaster reveals failure of mass media as watchdog.Available: Last accessed 15th Nov 2014. Loury, Glenn.C., 1994, ‘Self-censorship in public discourse: a theory of ‘political correctness’ and related phenomena,Rationality and Society, 6, pp.428-461. Shen, G.Z. Kim, J.X. (2014).Some American Korean published NYT advertising require that check the truth of Sewol.Available: Last accessed 15th Nov 2014. Yonhap. (2014).Cabinet passes package of bills in aftermath of ferry accident.Available: Last accessed 15th Nov 2014. Iosifidis, Petros, 2011, ‘Media policy and regulation in the public interest,’ inGlobal Media and Communication policy, Palgrave Macmillan. pp.23-75.P95.8.I672011 Davison, W. W. (2012).Public Opinion.Available: Last accessed 16th Nov 2014. Chung, M.U. (2014).Parks approval ratings slip steeply.Available: Last accessed 16th Nov 2014. Is the American Dream Achievable? Is the American Dream Achievable? The American dream came about during the United States Declaration of Independence where it was meant to be a land of freedom where prosperity and success to the people prevailed regardless of their social status or where or how they were born. All people were to be treated equally by having their rights exercised freely with their happiness. Children were to be given good education and career without any barriers. Everyone was to make his or her own choice without the obstacles of their class, caste, religion, race ethnicity (Kronenwetter, 1997). By this it meant life should be great, richer and be enjoyed to the fullest by everyone according to their opportunities and achievements. Ever since independence, America has been seen to be a land of opportunity where good life can be achieved through your sweat, freedom of democracy is allowed and where everyone has a right to exercise his or her religion and moral beliefs. Equality was the in-thing. American Dream ever since has been operating under the principle of freedom but nowadays, much has changed in America. It has been born from a nation of freedom to a nation of materialism (Adamson, 2002). Before, one earned his leaving through hard work which was considered to be an achievement of financial success but nowadays people no longer look into the vision of the future which includes time, sweat and ultimate success but instead they sit in their comfort waiting for it to come true. American being a nation of capitalism, the quest for money was part a way forward to achieve their dreams. Instant wealth to the Americans was never part and parcel to their success, working hard was always their dream. During the colonization period, Benjamin Frankline counseled people on their way to wealth, according to him, retiring early to bed and waking up earlier will make you healthier, richer and wiser (Adamson, 2002). The American Dream education system has also been influenced towards not achieving the dream. One needs to qualify in a given area in order get an opportunity in the society instead of developing genuine competence and knowledge or show their interest. The poor who cannot afford education cannot fit in the system with whatever knowledge and experience they have because all this is left to the educated ones. Freedom of the people has also been altered because most of them nowadays have been turned into slaves to some people, the government and any other kinds of institutions. They have got no freedom of their own to rest. They work hard for other people instead of themselves. The achievement of security for all has also become a mirage with the United States topping the list of countries with the highest crime rates in the world. Crime rates heighten to new levels every day and curbing terrorism has become a hard nut to crack, increasing government spending and worsening the already b ad economic situation of America hence hindering the achievements of the American Dream (Kronenwetter, 1997). With all the above happenings, the American Dream can still be achieved through the norms that have been isolated. Norms such as old principles should be observed instead of being materialistic, the concept of being right or wrong, believing in inalienable freedom and the liberty of the individual. With the above, some achievements can be attained. Adaptation to change in institutions, organization or the government can also contribute very much towards the achievement of the American Dream. Faithfulness in what the nation stands for, for instant obeying the rules or the constitution of the nation and being a good citizen rather than being an obligation to the country. Poverty, ignorance, oppression and those things which are meant to hinder the countrys progress towards achieving its dream must be fought in all means (Lasch, 1995). With poverty, addressing the issue of inequitable distribution of wealth among the American people will solve the issue. This can be termed as a sign of justice and fairness among its people since there will be no favor or class of distinction (Adamson, 2002). Education should be put into consideration because with the old principles forgotten, achievement in academic can lead to achievement of a dream, happy and prosperous life. Best education comes with hard work and with this, knowing the root course what is hindering the achievement of the American Dream today can be possible. Economic crisis among the American citizen should be observed. Of recently, the Obama administration has been able to observe that by helping the needy through extending health and unemployment benefits and increasing food-stamp benefits. The problem of unemployment has been able to be addressed through the economic stimulus funding to the state and local government as they concentrate on other infrastructures such as repairing the aging transportation infrastructures. Safety among the citizens should be observed. Violent crimes should be abolished. Instead of crime, good virtues such as peace and prosperity should prevail. With unity, the gift is happiness; integrity of the country is always showing true spirit of the citizen. Goal achieving has been part and parcel of everybodys life but obstacles at times do come on the way. Political instability in a country can affect one to achieve the nations dream. If you want to start a business and the country or two groups are always at war with each other then your business will not grow either. Lack of motivation and drive is a major and key contributor to the achievement of the set goals and dreams (Adamson, 2002). Intrinsic motivation for goal attainment increases once drive to follow through the plan. Developing a set of ambitious life dreams is one thing, but having the drive, motivation and determination to follow through and work toward making your dreams a reality is entirely different. Knowing the motivating factor and never losing sight of it aids in sticking to the action plans. Once motivation is not cultivated in ones inner being the spirit of making the first step towards achieving the dream is deterred and in the long run the dream shuttered. Its therefore a pre-requisite for one to set attainable dreams and walk the dream (Lasch, 1995). Flexibility in making decisions is another critical factor that impacts on dream achievement. Fixed mindedness is a deterrent factor since individuals are not allowed to think beyond in a wider context but rather follow the st rict guidelines in achieving there set targets and as a result the spirit of invention and innovation is not appreciated. It is therefore upon every individual to look at various means of achieving the dream and the most productive decision empowered (Weir, 2007). Skills and competences also sway once judgment in setting dreams. Having the skills to follow through with the desired action is an important factor to consider when elaborating your plan to achieve your dreams (Lasch, 1995). It is therefore once obligation to be handy in identifying his special attributes and align them with his dreams even if means developing the skills through training and research an example would be a carpenter will never achieve his dream of becoming the best unless he continuously improve on his skills. Despite the above achievements and obstacles, they are those who have made the American Dream to become a reality. For instance Abraham Lincoln at some point was quoted saying Where is the American Dream and this, he achieved. Kennedy Abraham Lincoln who was the 16th president of the U.S between 1861 and 1961 took over power when the country crisis of Civil War was on the rise with millions of the Americans already dead (Kronenwetter, 1997). The war was between two worlds with their own visions. These worlds were the Union states of the North and Confederate states of the South. This gave rise to the War of Succession or Civil War. This was a time when the unity of the U.S and its territories were at risk. Lincoln was determined to end this war through the means of unifying the nation. By achieving this, he arrested those suspected to be secessionists and put them under detention without trial. Lincoln career as a president was a very humble person who never loved war. At one point, Lincoln became under attack by both sides of the Union states of the North and Confederate states of the South, Radical Republicans voiced for harsher treatment of the South while Democrats desired Compromise of which he fought back with patronage by making them feel sorry for each other (Adamson, 2002). He had power in speech to convince the American people. For example, at one occasion when addressing the Gettysburg in 1863, he was quoted saying and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, will not perish from the earth (Kronenwetter, 1997). This statement remained to be an icon of the Americas dedication to the principles of nationalism, equal rights, liberty, and democracy. Abraham Lincoln dream came true when he abolished slavery in the U.S. With time discrimination and segregation came to an end. Racism only remained in many older North Americans while the young ones continued to interact with different races. Civil Rights Act allowed anybody from any race to study in the U.S with no discrimination. Equality was considered first. Most migrants moved in to the U.S in search of different freedoms and opportunities. Other intermarried for example the blacks and the whites. Then black man, Barrack Obama, with Lincolns footsteps came into being the president. Abraham Lincoln remained a hero and one of the greatest U.S presidents after giving freedom to the slaves (Lasch, 1995). Martin Luther King Jr. was never left behind for fighting for the American Dream. Being a Baptist minister, he was in the war front fighting discrimination against the blacks. All he wanted was racial equality among the Americans. 1963 is the day to be remembered when Martin and his staff went to Birmingham Alabama and protested non-violently. This kind of behavior intrigued bad publicity, forced the white leaders of Birmingham to agree to some anti-segregation demands. He was later arrested and jailed. This was the last time to be seen in public until the memorial of Abraham Lincoln (Lasch, 1995). Here, he invoked the name of Lincoln in his I Have a Dream which was televised across the country. In his speech, he talked about slavery which Lincoln had fought for before. In his own word he said, I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood (Lasch, 1995). All he meant was the equality among the American people. His speech of I Have a Dream to the Americans has achieved the American Dream. The fight for the racism has been achieved equality between the blacks and the whites (Lasch, 1995). Black people are being offered same opportunities in the American at large. Kings was against crime to the humanity, he was against the Vietnam War. In his speech titled Beyond Vietnam he openly declared that he was against U.S involvement with the Vietnam War. To him, U.S was in Vietnam to occupy it as an American colony and calling the American government the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today. He also didnt miss the wealth and poverty topic, to him, U.S needed some moral changes in which he said, A true revolution of values will soon look uneasily on the glaring contrast of poverty and wealth. With righteous indignation, it will look across the seas and see individual capitalists of the West investing huge sums of money in Africa, Asia, and South America, only to take the profits out with no concern for the social betterment of the countries (Lasch, 1995). Politically, his prediction about his four children living in a nation where a black will rule came to be accomplished the Barrack Obama. Martin Luther King Jr. left a legacy behind for fighting equality and human rights. Despite this kind of lives, the two leaders demonstrated leadership in themselves. Trying to look at their personalities and their achievements, we can see each having growing up to fight for the rights of the human nature. Their life stories, memorable phrases and quotes and incredible feats that give us a glimpse of what we already know. There destinies were shaped by the obstacles but they managed to overcome it. For instant, Born on February on 12, 1809, Abraham Lincoln came from a very humble family and made a living with simple jobs like cutting wood, failed merchant. With nine years old, Lincoln lost her mother due to milk sickness, and then her older sister died also when giving birth at a young age (Kronenwetter, 1997). His father re-married again of which his fathers wife became very close to Lincoln despite the distance between him and his father. Slavery was part of their family. This haunted Lincoln very much with the kind of hard labor his father was going through due to lack of education. All cores expected of him as a male in the household such as building rail fences was his work. Lincoln worked so hard when he was young and whatever he earned, he gave his father and when he grew older, he at times loaned some money from his father. His romance life was also full of obstacles, her first love died of typhoid fever before they could settle together. Her second romance didnt work either after courting for some time. At the end, he married Mary Todd Lincoln whom they had children together who died later with different ages. This haunted both parents so much and at some point Mary was committed to a mental care asylum in1875 while Abraham Lincoln suffered from melancholy (Kronenwetter, 1997). Life went on with lots of ups and down until Lincoln became a legislator of Illinois, an advocate against the extension of slavery, later a candidate of the nascent Republican Party, later the President of the United States, and, finally, a man of principles who believed in the essential virtue of democracy for resolving conflict of which he fought for so much and at one point, he was quoted saying As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Whatever differs from this, to the extent of the difference, is no democracy (Lasch, 1995).Education wise, Lincoln was very smart. He observed nature with a lot of closeness which enabled him later to accomplish his American dream. Living in Illinois opened his future of becoming a lawyer and this helped him sharpen up the skills of politics. Through politics he managed to become the president of the United States of America. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, a well-known actor and confederate spy from Maryland in 1864. Martin Luther King Jr. was also assassinated in 1968 in his room that he had booked. He was born in January 15, 1929 as Michael which later changed to be Martin, grew up in a Christian family. His father was a pastor in Ebenezer Baptist church in Atlanta where he acted as a co-pastor. Martin was a learned man, he attended segregated schools in Georgia, graduated from high school at the age of fifteen; he received the B.A. degree in 1948 from Morehouse College, a distinguished Negro institution of Atlanta from which both his father and grandfather had graduated. Three years after his theological study at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania where he was elected preside nt of a predominantly white senior class, he was awarded the B.D. in 1951 (Kronenwetter, 1997). Later he married MaCoretta Scott, a young woman of uncommon intellectual and artistic attainments of whom he had two sons and two daughters with. He worked as a strong worker for Civil Rights for the members of the race. He fought for the equality of the American citizens. Left behind a legacy of predicting that one day the American will be ruled by the blacks. Of which it has been accomplished. This two leaders had some few things in common, the both fought for the humanity rights (Lasch, 1995). The both wanted America to be a land where freedom is exercised and opportunity citizen to both are adhered to. Through their fight for humanity, American Dreams have been achieved. Education wise, resources are being distributed freely to all the people. In summary great people dream big, this can be translated to mean people will always try to get a good life. The Promised Land flowing with goodies will always attract masses; in view of this fact America has been seen by many as a country that promises the good life. What people do not realize is that the country was built through hard struggles and sacrifices to achieve the success. Successful people commit to achieving better than their peers. For them, commitment has becomes an instinctual habit they practice every day. However, commitment is not merely about the intention or the strength of your promises, it is all about taking action. Even the strongest commitment is just another broken promise unless a commitment to take action occurs. In conclusion achieving once dream is a product of individual efforts and intrinsic power to venture into the world of unknown unveiling discoveries. Americas top two icon leaders have lived the example and the idea of achieving once dreams made practical and many more yet to be unfolded.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Self Appraisal Is Useful To Start Future Planning Education Essay

Self Appraisal Is Useful To Start Future Planning Education Essay Self appraisal is useful in to start our future planning and draw a map for our future goals and aims. And assessment of our career growth will enable us to know where we are and gives us the directions to where we want to reach. A strong view about your self is very important in our lives because its play a very important role to know what is better for myself and what I have been done in my life and which big management position is suitable for me it will help to understand the followings, our life and career How work fits in other aspects of our lives Work experience A record of what we have done so far Work satisfaction Things about your work we like and enjoy Recycling you achievements The things we have done that we are proud of it Task 1 level 2 1.2: Conduct a self assessment: Skills audit The skills audit in an organisation is the process in which an organisation can identify and measure the functional skills what they have required in the organizations functions and match those requirement through design, recruitment, training and outsourcing. This process is very useful to plan the career of the company and chose the right candidate for right position for the success of the business. Self assessment: Self assessment allows you to know what you are and what you want to be and in which specific areas you need improvement to take the further responsibilities and remains competitive in the life. For this purpose you need to take the responsibilities for your career and continuing professional development. When we talk about career and want to be successful in our life than these questions we should be answered first Where are you now? Where do you want to be? How will you get there? If we want to know where we are now and where we want to be and how will we get it the question arises how we can know about this. Many philosophers and business mans and economists suggest different ways to know the answers of these questions. Where are you now? To know what your current status is, you could carry out the SWOT analysis to identify our Personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This audit will help us to identify our development needs and what information we have needed to plan our future. A swot analysis can be carried out as a part of our appraisal preparation. Where do you want to be? To begin the process, first review the type of role and the level you wish to be working towards. Once you have objectively assessed your skill level and identified the directions you would like your development to take. May be you need to discussed it with your line manager because he is the person who knows the organization very well and suggest you the better way to achieve your ambitions and goals. How will you get there? You will need to carry out a self-assessment and identified your potential for skills development and then find appropriate ways to improve your skills. It will take usually weeks, months, years or sometimes longer to get sufficient skills to get a higher position. Task 1 level 3 1.3: Professional CV: My CV is attach with appendix 1.1 Task1 level 4 1.4: Personal Development Plan The PDP should incorporate your reflection on some significant training or development activities you have undertaken in your personal or professional life which assists you to plan for your professional development in the future PDP is the name of plan of action. In our daily life we can make plan but never write it down, PDP is the way by which we can achieve our targets by planning. But first of all we have to understand what PDP is? And How to create a PDP There is no right or wrong way to present your Personal Development Plan. A PDP is effectively a schedule of actions, referring directly to your aspirations for your personal development. As learners we are continually planning, but by putting our plans in writing and structuring them to enable us to best meet our aims and objectives, we increase our chances of success. A PDP allows you to set targets for yourself and to devise a clear route to achieving them. PDP is the name of followings: Assessment of current skills and knowledge to establish professional needs Planning the development Evaluate the performance Resetting aims and objectives to re plan in light of the feedbacks In PDP personal effectiveness play a very important role by commitment to the profession and flexibility to balance all aspects of life. Look at the example below: PDP cycle: F:Documentsep-pdp.jpg To know what I have and what i have to improve in myself to achieve my ambitions and goals and make some strategy to turn into reality we have to give answers of these questions which play a very important role to be successful. SWOT analysis: SWOT analysis will enable you to identify where you are in your current role. For example, Strengths à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ I have 5 years experience in the marketing sector à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ I am a good communicator à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ I have excellent IT skills. Weaknesses à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ I dont know much about Places of Change or how this affects the services I provide à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ I dont have any management experience. Opportunities à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ My organisation is willing to sponsor me to go on a course or training to develop my skills à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ There may be some new job promotion opportunities in my organisation Threats à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ There may be competition for new job opportunities à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ A promotion would mean moving to a specialist project which I dont have complete understanding. Next you need to turn this into a PDP. What I need to achieve, how am I going to achieve it When am I going to do it? Do I need to develop some supervision skills? I am going to do this for six months from September. 6 Are your development targets SMART When setting targets, you need to make sure that you can actually achieve them. This is called SMART targets. SMART stands for the following: PDP PLAN: untitled 222222.JPG Action plan All of the objectives and goals identified in the PDP need to be SMART to get success and better learning. TASK 2 LEVELS 1 Evaluation of learning development and objectives: 2.1: Evaluating your Success: The learning process is a cyclic process in which you need to identify your development goal that you want to achieve and then periodically you have to evaluate your progress. Taking time to evaluate and reflect your progress is essential to enable you to make necessary changes to your plan. When evaluating your progress you need to ask yourself: What have I learnt? What more do I need to do to achieve my goals? Is my progress too slow or ahead of schedule? Do I need any assistance to achieve my goal? Whats hindering my progress? Do I need to change my plan? What additional benefits am I gaining from this practice? To evaluate our objectives we have to answer these questions. What I am better able to do as a result? Every person has his own calibre of doing things and have their own goals and objectives the targets which I set in my PDP plan yes I can do it to make myself better from my colleagues and to grow my career in the sales and marketing field by learning, knowledge and getting support from my superiors and feedbacks,. Has this experience thrown up future development needs? Human are born for learning. A person can never be prefect in their lifes we always need some assistance and knowledge to improve our selfs. A person is learning in their whole life from birth to death, to achieve my entire objects I will need to get help from my manager because he is the person who know the organization very well and give me better advice in which area I need improvement to achieve my objectives and whether my plan need more to improve myself to get my objective. How well did the development method work? Improvements in myself by developing this plan for success and development it give me better ways and a clear sense of mind to achieve my objectives and by implementing it in my life now I feel a clear difference in myself and other now I can deals with customers with more confidence and energy. And I achieved my sales target which is given by the sales department but still I need a lot of improvement to achieve all my objectives and goals. Could I have gained more from this activity? Yes from these activities now I am more presentable in my work more effective in my job and it give me the right direction to improve my image in the organization and because of my performance now I am the supervisor of my sales department. Would I follow this approach again? All those things which is betterment of the people, all the people go for those ways nobody can denied with it Because everyone want to be successful in their lifes. For my future I definitely go for this approach because it give me great achievement in my profession now it is very easy for me to go and get my future aims and goals. This valuation will also provide a key lead to the next stage of the continuing cycle goals change and tasks vary and new needs will emerge it important to retrieve your own plan accordingly. Task 2 level 2 2.2: Reset planning according with time: To make yourself successful in the life we have to adopt the environmental changes accordingly as the environment around you is changes we have change over self as well, as we achieve our targets we need more objectives to grow in our life and aims to achieve a better position in the organization or achieve better target in business. In my profession if I want to be a manager then I need to increase my knowledge and learn more things and try to be more effective for the organization and achieve our targets timely and more professionally to be a manger of my organization I need to learn more things and change my PDP accordingly to learn those skills I need multi skills to manage everything in the department and also need of basic managements skills. Technical skills: skills needed to perform specialized tasks. Human relation skills: skills in understanding and getting along with people in the organization. Connectional skills: abilities to think in the abstract, diagnose and analyze different situations, and see beyond the present situation. Decision making skills: skills I defining problems and selecting the best course of action. To make this happen I need to make my strategy accordingly and learn more things from my superiors and by increasing my qualification which need to be a manager and talk to the colleagues to get assistance from them. And set the targeted time to achieve all the objectives. Task 3 level 1: 3.1: Problems at work: There are numbers of problems which employs are facing around them at work. there are some many small problems which leads to the biggest turnover in the organization. Some of the most major work problems are as followings: 1: job satisfaction: Its very important for an employ for his interest his job is according to his desires and interest, otherwise job satisfaction is very difficult to obtain, sometimes employers gives some different work to the employs which is not according to the specialization, desires and interest of the employ which leads to the disappointment, frustration from work . If it does not corrected on time it will lead to employs resign from the job. 2: management factors: In the organization management have key role in the success of business. If management did not understanding the problems of the employs and their needs then it is very difficult for the employs to remain in the business it will leads to the larger turnover from the business. 3: Job stress: Lots of employs faces job stress on their work because of the larger work pressure and overload of work which is not according to the willpower of the employs it is also a bigger problem which is faced by the workers at work. 4: Low Resources availability: Less availability of resources at work according to the job requirements some times it make difficult for the employs to work with low resources according to the job which leads to the high turnover from the road. 5: Employer treatment: Sometimes employer behaviour towards the employs is very disappointed. They treat the employs like machines which is the biggest work base problem for the employs. Task 3 level 2 3.2: Communication: No matter how brilliant you are and your idea, it is worthless until unless you can able share it with others in the organisation. For this reason, effective communication is very crucial at every level. The oxford English dictionary defines communication as: The imparting, conveying or exchange of ideas, knowledge etc., (whether by speech writing or signs) interchange of speech. Types of communications: There are two types of communication written and oral communication Oral communication describes any type of inter-action that makes use of spoken words. Written communication involves any type of interaction that makes use of the written word. Both of these communications methods is very important and have a great significance in the life of the peoples. In the organization we adopt different ways to convey our message to others. By Speak effectively Delivering presentation Prepare written communication Display interpersonal understanding Time management: When we think of time management, however, we tend to think of personal time management, managing our time is defined as, less wastage of time in doing things we have extra time to do the things what we want to do Therefore, time management is presented as a set of time management skills; the theory is that once we master the time management skills, well be more organized, efficient, and successful. Personal time management skills include: Goal setting; Planning; Prioritizing; Decision-making; Delegating; Scheduling. Task 4 level 1 4.1 Learning: Learning is very important throughout our lives if we stop learning our growth in our self is also stop and we cannot achieve any further goals. There are two types of learnings primary and secondary source of learning Primary sources of learning: On the job learning: On the job learning is those things which we learn from our surroundings at work place it is the very common and quick way of learning. Personal observation: This type of learning is obtain by observing things around you and adopts the things which are good for the future growth. Readings: Books are the best companion of every person we can learn most of the things from books it is the most effective way of learning. Research: Most of the things which we dont know like customers need and history of the world to know all about things research is the only way to know about them. Secondary source of learnings: Training: Some time most of the skills we know but for improving that skills training is very important to learn those skills which we need to improve our existing skills. Coaching: It is helping another person to improve awareness, to set and achieve goals in order to improve a particular behavioural performance Mentoring: It is helping to shape an individuals beliefs and values in a positive way; often a longer term career relationship from someone who has done it before Internet: Internet is the first quickest source of learning in these days by searching on internet we can get everything every easy which is helpful to learn these things which is useful for the development. Kolbs learning (learning styles) model Kolbs learning theory sets out four distinct learning styles. which are based on a four-stage learning cycle. In this respect Kolbs model is particularly useful because it offers both ways to understand individual peoples different learning styles, and also an explanation of a cycle of experiential learning that applies to us all. Kolb says that ideally this process represents a learning cycle or spiral where the learner touches all the bases, i.e. a cycle of experiencing, reflecting, thinking, and acting. Kolbs model therefore works on two levels a four-stage cycle: Concrete Experience Reflective Observation Abstract Conceptualization Active Experimentation and a four-type definition of learning styles, (each representing the combination of two preferred styles, rather like a two-by-two matrix of the four-stage cycle styles, as illustrated below), for which Kolb used the terms:   Diverging (feeling and watching) Assimilating (watching and thinking) Converging (doing and thinking) Accommodating (doing and feeling) Diagrams of Kolbs learning style Task 4 level 2 4.2: Lifelong learning: All learning activities undertaken throughout life with the aim of improving knowledge skills and competences with in a personal, civil, social or employment related missions. Lifelong learning is obtained by the followings: Variety in roles Job rotation Rewards Job enlargement Cultural changes Job enrichment Task 4 level 3 Research methods: There are two types research method Qualitative methods used in social marketing include observations, in-depth interviews and group discussions. Qualitative research is used to help us understand how people feel and why they feel as they do. Depth interviews or group discussions are two common methods used for collecting qualitative information. Quantitative market research  typically includes customer surveys and questionnaires these can be conducted face-to-face by interview, over the telephone, via post or email, online or via your website. Research resources: Primary research involves getting  original data  directly about the product and market. Primary research data is data that did not exist before. It is getting by field research designed to answer specific questions of interest to the business. Face-to-face interviews Telephone interviews   Online surveys Questionnaires Secondary marketing research, or desk research,  already existed information in the form of reports, internet and magazines and other companies collected information. It is relatively cheap, and can be conducted quite quickly and easily. Task 4 level 4: 4.4: Presentation on PDP and feedbacks What is PDP plan? An introduction: PDP is the name of plan of action all the plans which include in the PDP must be SMART and all the objectives and aims set in the PDP should be aware of SWOT. My PDP plan: My PDP plan shows the long and short term plan to achieve my aims and objectives. It based on my experience and qualification I have and how much experience or qualification I need more to get my ambitions in my life I want to be a manager in my organization I showed all the task and times limit in which I complete all my tasks and in future I get that position where I want to be. Implementation of PDP plan: First of all need some extra qualification thats why I have to join some management course and complete that course in that period of time and also attend some management training sessions to get the necessary management skills. And get help from my supervisor. Results: Results after done all these things it is quiet useful for me to get a management position in my organization. Conclusions: All the points in this assignment is more helpful to understand the nature of the professional development and the needs of employs to succeed in their professional life and who they can achieve this success.