Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Compaison Of Any Two Search En :: essays research papers

Comparison of any two Search Engines (e.g. Yahoo, Magellan, AltaVista, Infoseek, Lycos, Bigfoot†¦ ) The single, most frequent piece of search advice for using Web search engines is to always search more than one engine to answer your question. No two engines are the same-each offers a unique set of features and indexes or crawls the Web differently. It’s no surprise the results vary. Good searchers triangulate output from several engines to acheive relevent results. The emergence of meta search engines is a credible antitode to the time-consuming practice of sequential search engine searches. By using a meta search engine to search several search engines at once and obtain ranked, clickable results, Web searchers can accomplish the Internet equivalent of doing a Dialog OneSearch. From one search screen, a searcher can select several search engines, formulate a search, click the Search button, and quickly receive ranked, compiled results. Meta search engines vary widely in which engines they search, how they process queries, and how they compile and display results. Some search sequentially, others simultaneously; some translate queries into target engine’s language, and others just send the query â€Å"as is†. The best metas offer an esily viewable list that can be customized, and it is a plus to see a checkbox feature on the first screen that allows you to choose the engines you want for a specific search. Ideally, a metasearch Web site would allow you to send a single query to multiple databases simultaneously, then retrieve, combine, and organise the results. This is more myth than reality. The majority of metasearches can query multiple database, but only one at a time. SavvySearch is the amazing exception to the rule. It can perform parallel searches on upto five databases at once. Results are retrieved and combined on one page, with duplicates eliminated. That alone would make it one of the better meta searches. There is more! SavvySearch uses your search terms, its own data about past searches, and other factors to create a search plan. SavvySearch allows the searcher to customize a selection of engines to search and in what order-and then save the customized selection for future use. SavvySearch Limited’s technology also enables users to 1) dramatically speed up browsing of the World Wide Web, 2) quickly target and retrieve relevant information from the internet, and 3) communicate seamlessly with a virtually unlimited number of databases worldwide. Compared to the current leading search engines and directories, SavvySearch.

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