Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Critically analyse and discuss in depth aspects of enterprise Essay

Critically analyse and discuss in depth aspects of enterprise - Essay Example The tough rules and regulations for starting a business have been liberalized by many countries in order to boost the domestic business as well as for attracting foreign direct investment. Business start ups have positive impacts on economical, political and social aspects and hence the business start ups are normally encouraged by many governments. Without the development of industry no country can able to develop. The yield from agriculture alone may not be sufficient enough for strengthening the economy. Moreover the agricultural yields depend on so many natural parameters and hence nobody can ensure a fixed income from agricultural yields. On the other hand industrial development or business development may help a nation in achieving economic targets and thereby a nation can stabilize the economic growth. â€Å"According to an EU study, benchmarking the then EU 15 Member States, in 2001 the average time to start-up a company in the EU 15 was 22 days and the cost â‚ ¬ 827. At the base of this process lays the fact that countries with lesser administrative burdens in the procedures required to create a company (cheaper and faster start-ups) have greater numbers of business start-ups.† (Start-up procedures - An overview, n.d) An average business can be set up within short time span if the rules and regulations of the country are liberalized. Most of the countries who previously administered strict rules for starting a business have liberalized their norms, realizing the importance of business in the development of economy. Through business, whatever the available resources in a country can be utilized effectively. The economy of a country develops only when all the resources of the country utilized in a positive manner. For example, India is a country having over a billion populations. Most of the youths in India are unemployed though they have good education.

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