Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Week 3 womens health Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week 3 womens health - Assignment Example In the ongoing pregnancies in her life, there might occur risks of very preterm delivery, prenatal death, low birth weight, and premature preterm rupture of membranes (Gabbe, 2012). The patient required anticipatory follow-up guidance which I provided. This guideline contained education about pregnancy, birth, and parenting; safe sexual practices, good diet habits, and the importance of early prenatal care. I told her that she should receive and understand all detailed instructions about signs and symptoms of complications such as infection or retained products of conception and also contact information access (Paul et al., 2011). One recommendation, I will consider is to reduce the risk brought about by the previous adverse pregnancy outcome. This is mainly by the discussion of unwanted pregnancies as well as the enhancement of life options. This reduction would help prevent and minimize health problems for the patient and the child (Taylor & James, 2011). In conclusion, both men and women who have acquired the childbearing age should understand the risks involved in childbearing. Pregnancies should, therefore, be planned and intended. Through implementation of the above-mentioned recommendation, the vision of preconception health and outcomes of pregnancy will be

Sunday, February 9, 2020

The Influence Of Technology On Hospitality Firms Essay

The Influence Of Technology On Hospitality Firms - Essay Example The hospitality industry is a very wide and far reaching industry that covers many businesses and people. It has been defined as including hotels, restaurant, and all facilities that provide shelter, food, and other services to people away from home. Hence, there is an appreciation of the grand scale of facilities that are covered within the hospitality industry. This article will assess the role that technology has played in ensuring that this industry has continued to be effectively managed (Barrows & Powers, 2009). Technology in the Hospitality Industry The hospitality industry has for a long time been slow in adopting technology. Due to its sensitive nature, the hospitality firms have always been more interested in enhancing interpersonal contact with their clients rather than having technology do the same for them (Jones, 2008). The need to ensure that the clients get that personal touch has seen the hospitality industry get the description of being ‘low tech and high touc h’. Jones argues that the human interaction has remained of paramount importance in the hospitality industry (Jones, 2008). However, there has been a move towards the adoption of Information Technology (IT) within this industry. Several benefits can be achieved from the adoption of technology within the hospitality industry. ... Additionally, technology can be helpful to employees who deal with clients to customize the whole interaction process (Jones, 2008). This means that the hospitality firm will still be within its paramount goal of enhancing inter-personal contact with the clientele. Conversely, in this case, the technology will come in to enhance the whole experience making it more pleasant to the client. As a result, this will be helpful in ensuring that the firm gets a return customer. On the other hand, the customers will also benefit from the adoption of technology by the hospitality firm. In essence, they will be in a position to use technology independently to customize service delivery, and his/her delight (Jones, 2008). This means that there are cases when the customer who is known to frequently use the services of a hospitality firm gets to enjoy a form of special treatment whenever they visit the firm. The Ritz Carlton, for example, has a service, which allows it to handle sudden and unexpec ted demands of a client. This also includes arranging to have the client’s preferences of food, and other services such as entertainment provided whenever the client has visited the hotel (Jones, 2008). The emergence of the Web 2.0 has been a great influence on the habits of tourists. It has a tremendous amount of influence on the manner that they plan and consume travel related products (Fuchs et al, 2012). This means that there is a lot of potential to involve the internet in the hospitality industry. A travelling agency can take advantage of this fact to place all its packages online. With different destinations, as well as the costs of each package, a client will go through all this information, and then settle on what they think suits them. All this can easily